News: Granton Locals (07 Dec 1917)


Surnames: Beeckler, Worchel, Mertens, Diedrich, Hitzke, Murphy, Mantey, Spry, Curtis, Dwyer, Reichert, Marsh, Jahr, Grasser, Tober, Hannah, Hawley, Dahl, Anthony, Budge, Davis, Bartz, Beer, Kohl, Yordi, Reiff, Montgomery, Helm, Creviston, McClaflin, Thayer, Galbreath, Chapman, Winn, Kemena, Matter, McCredden, Rath, Downer, Hantke, Beilke, Kurth, Schoengarth, Zorn, Osgood, Steele, Peterson, Gluck, Scholtz, Brooks, Norman, Atkin, Dorst, Scott, Amidon, Sternitzky, King, Redmond, Tompkins, Palmer, Pischer, Lawson, Chaplin, Wilson, Fish, Garbisch, Brown, Braatz, Bredlau, Frazier, Ure, Greenwald, Nitzke, Beilke, Kuechenmeister, Yankee, Schaefer, Prange, Anderson, Graves, Root, Mentzow, Scholtz, Johnson, Langreck, Crothers, Schoengarth, Fischer, Cole, Reed, Henze, Moths, Mentzel, Scharf, Gourlie, Stevens, Jordan, Wright, Wittcamp, Berhoff, Tober, Chaffin, Neinas, Guk, Hickox, Kuenzl, Witte, Riedel, Ide, Dixon, Devos, Rand, Tykac, Morris, Berg, Raelitz, Schroeder, Mahn, Eberhardt, Scoles, Rueth, Meyer, Bender, Hogenson, Ennerson, King, Beil, Alexander, Grabe, Enders, Garbush

----Source: Granton News (Granton, Clark County, Wis.) 7 Dec 1917

E.A. Beeckler was at Marshfield on business Monday.

Arnold Worchel was at Chili on business on Monday.

M.C. Mertens of Route 1 spent Tuesday at Marshfield.

Mrs. Elmer Hitzke spent last Friday and Saturday at Marshfield.

Dr. G.F. Murphy was at Marshfield on professional business on Friday.

Albert Mantey visited at Marshfield on Saturday.

Myron Spry and Jay Curtis went to Stevens Point on business on Monday.

Miss Edna Dwyer of Neillsville visited friends here on Wednesday.

Ferdinand Reichert is ill and confined at home since Sunday.

Miss Theo Marsh is clerking at Jahr Bros during the holiday rush.

Miss Mary Grasser spent Thursday with friends at Marshfield.

Ernest Hannah and Miss Irene Hawley, both of Christie were married last week Thursday.

Emil Tober, Ed Dahl and Victor Anthony were Marshfield visitors Wednesday.

Mrs. Victor Anthony and baby Marion arrived home from Weyauwega on Wednesday.

W.P. budge and Sid Davis were "courting", or at least attending circuit court at Neillsville on Wednesday.

Mrs. Alfred Bartz and daughter Gertrude visited friends at Neillsville Tuesday.

Chas. Beer of Auburndale spent Tuesday here among relatives and old friends.

Mrs. Lorenz Kuhl of Marshfield was here on business between trains on Tuesday.

Mrs. Otto Yordi is a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, Marshfield since Sunday.

Rev. J. Reiff was called to Marshfield to give spiritual advice and comfort to a sick parishioner on Monday.

Orren Montgomery, Fred and Alfred Bartz and Ferd Helm came home from Ladysmith on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Creviston, after a visit at Warren McClaflin's, went home to Humbird on Friday.

Miss Alva Thayer, after a vacation visit with home folks, returned to her studies at La Crosse on Monday.

Ross Galbreath and Ray Chapman of Route 4 came home from Exeland on Friday.

Miss Ruby Winn returned from a week's pleasure trip and visit at Milwaukee on Tuesday.

Rev. Kemena and family, and Miss Matter of Loyal were Thanksgiving guests of Rev. and Mrs. Reiff.

Miss Emma Dahl, after a short visit with home folk, returned to work at Marshfield on Monday.

Percy McCredden of Cataract came up Saturday and visited his uncle Dr. Rath over Sunday.

Mrs. Homer Downer was at Neillsville on business connected with the Red Cross on Tuesday.

Mrs. Gottlieb Hantke is quite under the weather this week at the Gus Beilke home.

Mrs. Will Kurth entertained the Ladies' Aid of Rev. Reiff's parish on Wednesday.

Miss Alvina Schoengarth spent Wednesday with relatives at Neillsville.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zorn, Elizabeth and Grant, went to Minneapolis Wednesday on a visit to relatives.

Harry Davis of Elroy visited his parents here between trains on Monday morning.

Gene osgood was one of the lucky hunters to return home from Ladysmith with a fine deer last Saturday.

John Steele of Willard was here Saturday and bought a big boiler of O.A. Peterson.

The Misses Aleda and Eda Gluck and Eva Scholtz of Neillsville spent Saturday here with friends.

Erwin Brooks and daughter Mrs. R.C. Norman went to Merrillan on Monday.

Mrs. O.L. Atkin of Minneapolis, after a 6 day visit at Mike Dorst's, went home on Monday.

Geo. Scott returned from his visit with home folk at Melrose on Monday, and is again at his post of duty in the G.E. Amidon Drug Store.

Ernest Sternitzky, after a two month trip to the Pacific coast and visit in Nebraska on his way home, arrived home well and hardy on Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs. Homer King spent the first of the week with her old friend and neighbor, Mrs. Geo. Redmond, at Neillsville.

Andrew Palmer, apparently well and happy, arrived home from a several months sojourn at Flint, Mich. on Tuesday.

Frank Tompkins went to Humbird on business Monday and from there continued on to Barron on a piano tuning trip.

Miss Jean Davis returned to her studies at Eau Claire early this week.

H.E. Williams was at Hixton on real estate business last Saturday.

Gottlieb Pischer of Elgin, Minn. is visiting relatives and old friends in this vicinity since last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Lawson and son Earl returned from their visit at Matoon on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chaplin, after a several days visit at Geo. Wilsons, went home to Plymouth on Friday.

J.G. Fish of Merrillan came up Friday and visited Peter Brown on Route 3.

Arnold Garbisch arrived home from Marshall, Minn., where he has been with relatives for months past, Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jahr have a brand new boy, their fourth son, since Monday. Mother and baby are well.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brown and their daughters Agnes and Evelyn arrived home from their trip and visit at Cazenovia last week.

The Misses Anna and Lovilla Sternitzky, with little Miss Rath, returned from their visit at Rothschild Saturday.

Mrs. Richard Braatz went to Loyal last week Thursday on a week's visit to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bredlau. Carl Braatz took her up by auto.

Mrs. B. Frazier of Loyal and Miss Vivian Ure of Neillsville were guests in the W.J. Thayer home several days last week.

Mrs. Theodore Greenwald and Adolph Nitzke of Random Lake arrived here Tuesday evening on a visit to relatives in the Gus Beilke family.

Chas. Kuechenmeister of South Grant returned early this week from a 10 day visit with relatives at Saxon and Hurley.

Rex Beeckler and Ethan Peterson, after the Thanksgiving recess, returned to their studies at the Stevens Point Normal on Monday.

Miss Rose Yankee is visiting relatives at Madison since Tuesday. From there she will contiue on to Milwaukee and may spend the winter between the two places.

Mrs. Geo. Beeckler of the town of Levis spent several days of this week here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Beeckler.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schaefer and daughter Erna of Glenbuelah came up last Saturday and made an over Sunday visit with his brother William and family on the Ridge.

Miss Edna Prange came home from Plymouth last Saturday, accompanied by Austin Anderson of that place.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Graves and Mrs. Geo. Root are home since Monday from their Thanksgiving visit at Roberts.

Arthur Mentzow of Grafton, who is visiting his brother Ted Mentzow at Chili, the past two weeks, visited friends here on Monday.

Mrs. W.J. Thayer and daughter Alva accompanied Mrs. B. Frazier and Miss Vivian Ure to Neillsville last Friday evening and made a short visit to other old friends.

Miss Cora Scholtz, a professional nurse from Veefkind, is caring for baby Angeline Marie Langreck, ill with pneumonia since late last week.

Mrs. Beatrice Johnson and little daughter Evelyn of Morristown, S.D., after a week's visit between the Wayne Potter and Chas. Brooks homes, returned home to Neillsville and the Geo. Crothers home there on Saturday.

Herman Schoengarth, with his cousin Judge O.W. Schoengarth, went to Hurly Saturday night on a several days combination business and pleasure trip.

Mrs. Herman Schoengarth, during her husband's absence Monday, attempted to varnish a floo in their home and heating the varnish on the stove had it take fire and in getting the flaming stuff out of doors, she suffered painful and deep burns on her right hand.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bartz and daughter Ruth of Route 1, with their guests Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fischer of Brillion, went to Ebbe Saturday and spent the day with friends there.

Robert Davis, with his aunts Miss Rachel Cole and Mrs. Perry Thayer, went to Neillsville Friday on a several days visit to the ladies' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cole.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reed and son Erle, with another family from Thorp, autoed down and spent last week Thursday with the Otto Henze family.

Mrs. Lokken, her son John and her daughter Mrs. Farrell, with the latter's 2 children, after a visit with relatives at Taylor, stopped off here last week Thursday and spent a couple of days with Mrs. Gustie Breed and other old friends, continuing on home to Wausau Saturday afternoon.

Chas. Moths and his grandson Elmer Gotter went to Augusta last Friday and visited among relatives until Monday.

Chas. Mentzel of Grafton, after a visit with his brother Theo. Near Chili, and with the Will Scharf family, went home last Friday.

Mrs. Walter Gourlie and daughter Irene, after a couple days visit with the Lon Stevens family, went home to Veefkind Friday.

Loyal Jordan attended a Millennial Dawn Lecture at Neillsville Wednesday evening.

American Red Cross Christmas Seals are now on sale. Don't neglect buying you usual quota.

Vernon Wright leaves for Chicago Monday to join Uncle Sam's Aviation Corps.

Mrs. R. Wittcamp went to Chicago last Saturday on a visit to her daughter Mrs. Berhoff, who is residing there.

Sam Tober, after a visit with his son Emil at the Star Corner Cheese Factory, went to Clintonville on Monday.

Will Scharf is home from the Sacred Heart Hospital at Eau Claire since Monday. He is recovering nicely.

Leonard Dorst came up from Sheboygan Monday evening on a visit to his brother Mike and family.

Aarnon Chaffin of Ripon came Monday to install an acetelyn light system in the H.E. Williams home.

Sid and Scott Davis were at Neillsville and attneded the R.A.M. meeting Monday evening.

Mrs. Chas. Neinas, with her sister-in-law Mrs. Chas. Guk and the latter's daughter Viola, returned from their visit at Weyauwega on Monday.

Edward Hickox of Spring Green, after a 5 day visit with his son Orren, went home on Monday.

Miss Nellie Dorst is attending a business college at Oshkosh. She went down Sunday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kuenzl of Juneau came Monday evening on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Witte. The ladies are sisters.

Ernest G. Palmer and Miss Mable Peterson, popular Neillsville young people, were married at Muston last Tuesday.

Mrs. H.A. Knoll attended a lecture at the Neillsville Opera House Wednesday and visited her daughter Della that evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Riedel, their 3 children, and Paul Wagner spent Saturday with relative and friends at Marshfield.

Mrs. Aug. G. Riedel accompanied her grandsons Harold and Geo. Riedel home to Neillsville Saturday evening and made an over Sunday visit to their parents.

Cassius Ide and his sister Miss Abbie Ide moved into the village Monday and are now nicely settled in the Ealter Graves house in the Park Addition.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dixon and baby Donald, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Devos of Neillsville autoed to Greenwood and spent Thanksgiving with the ladies' mother, Mrs. Mattie Rand.

Theodore Tykac has been appointed rural mail carrier on Route 3 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of L.G. Morris early last spring. Theodore entered upon his new duties first, last Monday. Hugh Berg, a substitute carrier, had been carrying on this route for months past.

Harry Raelitz of Wausau was an over Sunday guest in the H.C. Witte home.

Mrs. L.M. Anthony of Weyauwega, who was called to Marshfield last week by the serious condition of her son Guy, a patient at the hospital there, is since Saturday visiting between the E.A. Schroeder home on Route 3 and relatives at Neillsville.

Mrs. Hannah Mahn, who is keeping house for Oscar Eberhardt on R. 1, was called to Neillsville Monday evening by the arrival there on Sunday night of her son Clarence, who has been at Ocean Park, Calif. and this is his first visit home in more than eight years.

James Scoles and daughter Jesse, after a 6 day visit among old friends and former neighbors in this vicinity, went home to Neillsville on Monday. Mr. Scoles has been under the doctor's care again and suffering with his old trouble of late.

Wm. Rueth of St. Paul, who arrived in Spokeville last Friday in response to the news of the death of his sister Mrs. August Meyer, left on the home trip Monday evening. He did not remain for the funeral Tuesday because of the alarming illness of his daughter, whom he left at home in St. Paul on Friday.

Miss Essie Bender, after a vacation visit with her parents on Route 4 last week, returned to her bookkeeping work at Richland Center, Saturday. Her cousin, Master John Bender of La Crosse, who accompanied her here, left on his trip home at the same time.

Mrs. Randine Hogenson, Mrs. Marcus Ennerson and daughter Gladys and Price Hogenson, all of Black River Falls, arrived here Saturday and made an over Sunday visit to Adolph Hogenson and family. The visitors were mother, sister, niece and nephew of Mr. Hogenson.

Timothy King came home from Norway, Mich. Thursday morning on a farewell visit to his parents Mr. and Mrs. Home King and other relatives and old friends. Tim has enlisted in Uncle Sam's Aviation Corps and will leave for Chicago Monday.

Mrs. Adolph Beil of Chili spent the first of the week here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schlinsog, Sr. Her father, though up and about daily, is in decidedly failing health the last few eeks, and her mother since suffering a broken leg a few eyars ago, get about rather painfully.

Thos. Alexander, a man of 71 years, an old and highly respected resident of Neillsville, died at his home there last week Wednesday and was bured Saturday. His son Milton of Omaha, neb., who was called here a few weeks since, remained over until last Monday.

Mrs. Ernest Grabe is in Montana on a visit to a very sick sister, the past 2 weeks. Mrs. Enders is here keeping house for Mr. Grabe, her father, during her mother's absence.

Mrs. Dora Garbush returned home from a several wees stay with her son George at Rochester, Minn. on Monday. George was taken to his home there from the hospital the day she left, and it is expected that he will soon be quite okay.



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