BioA: Leonhard, Mr. and Mrs.
John (40th - 1969)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Leonhard, Lindow,
Dix, Bersell
----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI)
Leonhard, Mr. and Mrs. John (40th - 1969)
Mr. and Mrs.
John Leonhard of Phoenix, Ariz., who are visiting relatives here, observed their
40th wedding anniversary at an open house held in their honor at the United
Methodist Church in Chili, Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Leonhard is the former
Sarah Lindow of this area.
Present at the dinner, held in the church
parlors, were 70 members of the immediate family from the Chili area and
Milwaukee, Kenosha, Janesville, Minneapolis, Neillsville, Eau Claire, Loyal and
Marshfield. A wedding cake was baked and decorated by Mrs. Larry Dix, Jr.
During the morning service the choir sang a request number “How Great Thou
Art,” with solo parts being sung by Don Bersell and Jeff Lindow.
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