News: Granton Locals (20 Mar 1914)

Contact: Betty Comstock


Surnames: Ackerman, Alt,  Anding, Ayers, Baer, Balfanz, Bartz, Becker, Beeckler, Behn, Berg, Bill, Bird, Bladl, Braatz, Brooks,  Brown, Budge, Burch,  Buss, Clark,  Cole ,Crandall,  Crevecour, Davis, Deming, Dietrich  Drake, Drescher, Frantz, Frei, Furgeson, Galbreath Garbisch, Gearke, Gerzemehle, Gorman, Gotter, Greeler,  Grasser, Graves, Grobe, Hammler, Hanson, Hart, Hatch, Haydon,  Hefty, Higgens,  Hiles, Hines, Holmes,  Hungerford, Ide, Jahr,  Joern, Johnson, Kemmeter, Kempine, Kimball, Knorr, Krause, Kuechenmeister, Lawson, MacBride, Mabie, Mallork, Marden, Marg, McInnis, Menge, Martens, Marsh, Moreland, Morrissey, Muehl, Neinas, Neitzel, Nickel, Nichols, Palmer, Paulson, Petznick, Pietenpol, Plauel Potter, Prust, Raymond, Reichert, Reinhold, Renne, Roder, Rodman,  Rose, Schlinsog, Schmitz, Scholtz, Schroeder, Schuelke, Schwantes, Sheldon , Skotorzak, Sparks, Steinbach, Sternitzky, Storm, Thayer, Thiedeman, Tomkins, Tremelling, Tykac, Wentworth, Wiernszaki, Wilke, Williams, Wilson, Winter, Wonser

----Source: Granton News (Granton, Clark Co., Wis.) 03/20/1914

Free Raymond and Bert Ayers were county seat visitors, Saturday

W.E. Rose spent Thursday of last week at Marshfield.

Mrs. August Schlinsog went to Chili, Saturday.

George Nichols and S.R. Davis were Marshfield visitors Saturday.

Joe Bird and Mrs. Violet Hanson went to Marshfield, Saturday.

Otto Becker had dental work done at Marshfield last week Thursday.

Mrs. Oscar Anding was at Neillsville to have dental work done Saturday.

Mrs. Fred Cole is home from her visit in Minneapolis since Wednesday.

Mrs. Will Neinas of Chili spent Tuesday here with her sister Mrs. Chas. Neinas.

Geo. Hart made a business trip to Marshfield Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Neinas spent Sunday with the Peter Schmitz family in Sauerkraut City.

Miss Helen Anding came home from Neillsville, Tuesday.

Mrs. Mike Grasser and daughter Mollie drove down and visit Mr. and Mrs. Joe Buss Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Furgeson and Sam Gearke spent Monday eve at Neillsville.

Miss Viva Drake spent Sunday with Miss Frantz at Neillsville.

Dan Palmer and his best girl were in town Sunday.

Wilson Mallork of Stevens Point spent the week end here.

Miss Lovella Sternitzky came home from Mosinee, Saturday.

Mrs. Walter Sternitzky went to Oshkosh Tuesday to visit relatives.

John Hiles was here from Wausau the first of the week.

Miss Mary Gorman of Neillsville is visiting the Nickel family in Washburn since Tuesday.

Mrs. Dora Garbisch is ill with lung fever at her son Fred Garbisch’s since early this week.

Miss Louisa Krause was called home Sunday evening by the sudden illness of her sister Miss Louise.

Mr. and Mrs. John Clark of Sherwood called on town friends Monday.  They report Mrs. Arthur Sparks to be ill with small pox now.

W.P. Budge, Cash Ide, Chas. Dietrich, Henry Winter and H.G. Graves were among the Granton folk at Neillsville Wednesday.

Herman Scholtz of Shawano after a 6 days visit at the Rob Petznick home at Heathville went home Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Storm, Mr. and Mr. John Hefty, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frei, Mrs. Gerzemehle, Mrs. E. Ackerman and August Hammler went to Humbird Sunday to attend the dedication services for the German Reformed Church of that village.

Herschel Rodman of Neillsville was in town Monday.

H.E. Williams made a business trip to Marshfield, Monday.

Arnold Hammler of Eau Claire is here visiting his father Aug. Hammler.

Mrs. John Pietenpol, W.S. Davis, Mrs. Henry Marg, and Miss Elva Thayer were Neillsville visitors on Tuesday.

Mrs. Willis Williams and Miss Haidee Beeckler went to Chili Saturday for an over Sunday visit among relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Moreland of California who are here visiting relatives went to Marshfield Tuesday for a several days visit among old friends.

Ferdinand Reichert spent Sunday at his brother’s Louis in Chili.

Paul Roder and Herman Braatz were at Marshfield on church business Saturday.

Mrs. Laura Brown and her grandson Lamont MacBride made a week end visit here at the H.E. Williams home.

Mrs. Isaac Higgins and little son after a several weeks visit at Mrs. Isla Galbreath’s returned to their home near Madison, Monday.

Chas. Schuelke and son Henry, George Marden and step-son Ernest Schuelke spent last week Thursday with friends at Ebbe.

Ewlad Menge of Fall Creek is here visiting his friend Ben Joern since Tuesday.

Henry Morrissey of Edgerton visited Mr. and Mrs. Rush Wentworth here Tuesday.

Miss Ella Nickel went to Neillsville Sunday and visited friends until Tuesday.

Miss Laura Behn of Brillion after a several weeks visit with the Wm. Bartz family returned home Wednesday.

Miss Elsie Neitzel returned to her school work at Merrillan Sunday, the scare of measles having subsided.

Mrs. P.J. Kemmeter and Mrs. Chas. Neinas each gave parties Saturday evening for the benefit of the school house side walk fund.

Miss Harriet Pietenpol, Mrs. F.J. Baer, Chas. Schuelke, Mrs. Knorr and Mrs. Ed Steinbach were Neillsville visitors Monday.

Herman Schwantes of Spencer made a week end visit at the C.F. Greeler home in York.

B. Tykac and son Frank Sundayed with relatives and friends at Columbia.

Mrs. John Bladl spent Tuesday at Marshfield.  She took baby Irvin as far as Chili and left him st spend the day there with his grandma Martens.

Miss Martha Kempine spent Wednesday at her home in Chili.  Since Thursday she is here assisting Mrs. Geo. Nichols with her household duties.

Mrs. Amelia Reichert went to Chili last week Thursday and made an over Sunday visit at her son Louis’ when Mrs. Louis Reichert was ill with tonsillitis.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Petznick spent Tuesday at Stratford.

John Redman, Frank Skotorzak and Valentine Skotorzak of Markesan came Friday and made an over Sunday visit at Nick Wiernszski’s in town of York.

Miss Shirley Knorr who teaches the Cannonville School will entertain at a basket social this Friday evening.  A cordial invitation is extended to friends here to attend.

There will be services at the Union Church Sunday, the 22nd.  Young people’s Bible class is at 7 p.m., preaching services at 7:30.

Chas. Balfanz went to Marshfield Monday and brought his daughter Ethel home from the hospital where she had spent the last two weeks recovering from a successful operation for appendicitis.

Miss Nelda Muehl of Saxon after a couple weeks visit between the Reinhold, Oscar and Clemens Kuechenmeister families went home on Tuesday.

Miss Frances Brooks entertained the Misses Effie Alt, Lela Potter, Helen Deming, Amelia Krause, and Ora Marsh and Liveryman, Geo. J. Rose at a party at her parent’s home in Lynn last Wednesday eve.

Curtiss Renne of the town of Sherman, a former of this neck of the woods was in town and enjoying the change of greetings with old friends the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Tompkins entertained Fred Davis and all married children and their families together with Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Williams and Mrs. Laura Brown at dinner, Sunday.

Master Donavan Mabie was very ill last week Thursday necessitating his father remaining at home.  Hugh Berg carried mail in Mr. Mabie’s stead that day.

Fred Schwantes visited his wife at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Marshfield several times last week and again last Tuesday.  Mrs. Schwantes is doing nicely.

Mrs. S. Gearke and daughter Gladys went to Marshfield Saturday and made an over Sunday visit with friends in that city.

Mrs. Gene Crandall, Mrs. Hugh Berg and Mrs. Ben Joern went to Fall Creek Saturday to visit the latter’s parents.  Mrs. Crandall returned home Sunday night while the other ladies remained over until Wednesday.

Harry Burch had a close call from death Monday afternoon when in a friendly bout with a young man at the mill, he lost his footing and fell down a flight of stairs, suffering a fearful shaking up and rendering him unconscious.  Medical attention was had at once and Harry was taken to his home where of necessity he was confined to his bed for a couple of days.  He is about again since Wednesday, though suffering much from bruises.  It will be some time too before he is able to report for duty.

Mrs. Maria Davis has been on the sick list since Wednesday.

Miss Clara Drescher is here sewing for Miss Emma Kimball since Tuesday.

Ross Paulson is to be home today with another carload of horses from the Dakotas.

Mrs. Louis Hayden, Mrs. James Tremelling and Mrs. Chas. Neinas are newly elected Circle members since the last two meetings.

Our neighbor Geo. W. Hart has opened up his general store and is doing business in his new stand.

Miss Maria Davis teacher in the Fisk Lee district announces an apron sociable at the school house Saturday evening.  Everybody invited.

Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Lawson, A.M. Johnson, Otto Becker and son Elmer, Richard Gotter and Ernest Crevecour spent Thursday ad Marshfield.

August Prust of Chili was here between trains Monday enroute to the county seat.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis visited at N.L. Hungerford’s at Cedarhurst last Saturday.

A fine baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nichols Wednesday afternoon.

Harry Davis was up to Unity last week and purchased a motor cycle of Charles Wilke.

Little Marion Schroeder is recovering from his illness with pneumonia.

Mrs. John Hiles and son Harold came from Wausau Wednesday and joined Mr. Hiles here, since which time they are at home on Mrs. Alice Hatch’s farm which they have rented.

Harvey Sheldon and family are nicely located in rooms in the Williams and Wonser house where they have been housekeeping for the past two weeks.

Mrs. E.A. Beeckler will entertain the O.E.S. birthday club tomorrow Saturday afternoon.  All visiting O.E.S. welcome.

Miss Gertrude Holmes came home from Hawthorne Thursday to remain indefinitely and assist in the care of her sister Miss Inez.

Miss Bertha Grobe after a several days visit with the Herman Garbisch family went home to Chili Saturday accompanied by her little nephews Walter and Herbert Garbisch who are remaining for the week with her.

Miss Vivian Thiedeman who teaches over south in the August Teatz district returned here Saturday after a week’s vacation spent at her home in Thorp.

We visited several sugar bushes Sunday and found the sap of an unusual degree of sweetness running in good shape.  Tuesday’s change in the weather probably injured many of the buckets through freezing and bursting.

Mrs. Geo. Wilson came home today, Thursday from a four weeks stay at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Marshfield.  She is convalescing and will eventually be quite o.k. again.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schuelke and children after a 2 weeks visit between the Chas. Schuelke and Reinhold Kuechenmeister homes returned to Milwaukee Saturday.  They expect to come back and take up their permanent residence in this vicinity within the next two months.

A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. Bill of Lampman, Sask. (deaf people, she will be remembered as Mr. and Mrs. Louis Plauel’s daughter) says that their little son talks everything and is quite a normal child.  Mr. Bill will seed 200 acres to wheat and 50 acres to oats this spring and does not propose to hire any help with the work either.

Mrs. Ed Williams and little son Gordon who live in the Ed Jahr farm in southwest Grant went to Mosinee Saturday to visit relatives and particularly to see a brother of Mrs. Williams’ who is alarmingly ill at his home there.

Mrs. W. J. Thayer entertained the Circle Wednesday.

W.E. Rose was at Marshfield Wednesday.

Ken McInnis visited at Willis Williams’ this week.

Mrs. W.D. Rose who has been indisposed for several weeks past is better again at this writing.




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