News: Schilling Station (6
Feb 1913)
Surnames: Wegner, Dittner,
Minch, Rossman, Wichman, Wolfe, Luther
----Source: Greenwood Gleaner
(Greenwood, Clark Co., Wis.) 6 Feb 1913
The people of Schilling Station
are glad to announce that the latest song has just been published. It is a
parody on Red Wing.
Miss Anna Wegner of Ft. Atkinson returned with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Dittner for a visit of a few weeks.
Mrs Tony Minch and niece
Leora Minch of Plymouth are visiting Will Wichmans.
The masquerade at
Chas. Wolfe's was well attended. The best time some of the young people had was
on the way home. Emil Luther was quite a stranger on these roads but managed to
make the trip and return in safety. Welcome back Emil.
Henry Dittner was
seen rather early Sunday morning after the dance looking over a wood job about a
mile and a half north of Poplar Cheese Factory. Where are you going to board
A cheese meeting was held at the Schilling Station factory. The
factory will be open ready for business on Feb. 3.
Mrs. A. Rossman was a
Marshfield caller Saturday.
The social at the schoolhouse Friday evening
was well attended.
We are sorry to note that Lester Wichman fell on the
ice at the schoolhouse and broke his right leg near the hip. He is doing well at
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