BioA: Keiner, Mr./Mrs. Carl (Silver - 1953)
Surnames: Keiner, Stabnow
----Source: Greenwood Gleaner (Greenwood, Clark Co., Wis.) 20 Aug 1953
Keiner, Mr./Mrs. Carl (Silver - 6 AUG 1953)
On Sunday, Aug. 16th,
1953, relatives and friends helped Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keiner, Eau Claire,
celebrate their Silver Wedding anniversary at the Harold Stabnow cottage at
Tioga, with a picnic dinner and supper.
The anniversary was on August
6th, but because of conflicting dates, was celebrated this day. Also celebrated
was Mrs. Carl Keiner's birthday, which fell on this day, and her daughter
Patricia's birthday, which was August 14th.
Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Keiner, and daughters, Patricia, Mary and Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Etta and Arthur Black, Eau Claire; Mr. and Mrs. Perry Volk, Loyal; Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Stabnow and Donald, Mrs. Christ Keiner and Louise, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Severson and Carol.
The honored guests received many nice gifts.
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