News: Braun Settlement (25 Aug 1927)
Surnames: Reber, Alperstett, Wachsmuth, Horn, Shaw, Speich, Seibold, Heinrichs,
Metcalf, Blecha, Kubat, Braun, Damerow
----Source: Greenwood Gleaner (Greenwood, Clark Co., Wis.) 25 Aug 1927
Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. Reber Sept. 7th. All are welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alperstett and son Melvin visited Sunday at the Ed Wachsmuth
Mr. and Mrs. O. Horn and children and Mrs. F. Horn and daughter Martha visited
with friends at Marshfield Sunday.
Mrs. Shaw of La Crosse and Mrs. A. Speich visited Friday at the Jake Speich
Mr. and Mrs. John Seibold returned home Monday from their visit with friends at
Otto Horn and family attended the Colby fair.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Heinrichs of Milwaukee visited several days last week at the
Geo. Braun home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Metcalf and Almira, Lee and Lynn Blecha spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. W. Kubat at Granton.
Ed Braun, Henry, Hubert and Gus Horn, Jake Speich and H. Damerow own a threshing
machine in partnership and started threshing at H. Damerow's Tuesday.
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