BioA: Gwiazda, Mr./Mrs. Nick (60th - 1960)
Surnames: Gwiazda, Parker, Berg, Przybylski, Sawyer
----Source: THORP COURIER (Thorp, Clark County, Wis.) 11 Aug 1966
Gwiazda, Mr./Mrs. Nick (60th - SEP 1960)
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Gwiazda, a long time Clark County couple, celebrated their
60th wedding anniversary Saturday, Aug. 6, with members of their family and with
several friends and neighbors of Clark County attending.
They were married in Austria in September 1906, and came to America in 1912,
locating in Clark County, north of Thorp. Nick Gwiazda was born in Austria and
his wife in the Ukraine. They purchased a farm north of Thorp, which they
operated for many years. After retiring from their farm, they moved from Clark
County to Lublin.
The Gwiazda's are the parents of eight children, five daughters and three sons.
They are Mrs. Kay Parker, Mrs. Estelle Berg, and Mrs. Mary Przybylski, all of
Chicago; Walter and Mike, both of Lublin; John of California; and Ann Sawyer and
Sophie Gwiazda, deceased.
All living sons and daughters attended the 60th anniversary party Saturday at
the Gwiazda home. The Rev. Victor Borowsky, pastor of St. Walter's Ukrainian
Church of Neillsville, delivered Ukrainian prayer. His mother, Mrs. Jacob
Borowsky, also attended from Neillsville.
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