News: Spencer (New Railway Line - 1905)
----- Source: Loyal Tribune (Loyal, Clark Co., Wis.) 02/09/1905
A report which is said to be official has been circulate in railroad circles to
the effect that the Wis. Central Railway Co. has let the contract for a branch
line to run northwesterly from Spencer to Ladysmith, a distance of about
sixty-five miles. The plan of the Central seems to be to open up a short line to
Duluth and Superior at the head of the lakes. It is said Spencer was selected as
the junction because it is 200 ft. lower than either Greenwood or Abbotsford. If
this road is constructed it will mean another line for Marshfield, as this will
be the terminal point. Trains will be run over the main line from Spencer to
this city in order to connect with other branches of the Central Railroad.
The territory to be crossed by the proposed line covers part of Clark, Taylor,
Chippewa, Sawyer, Bayfield and Douglas Counties, crossing the Soo road at
Ladysmith and the Omaha at Hayward. It is a section not traversed by any road at
the present time and is on eht direct line for an entrance to Superior and
Duluth at the head of Lake Superior.
The company has not concealed the fact that work will be commenced near Owen
early in the spring, and it is reported that contracts are being let for the
construction of the road. (Marshfield Times)
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