News: Fremont (13 Jun 1918)
Contact: Ann Stevens
Surnames: Church, Bedell, Dresher, Lindow, Bigelow, Hill, Loy, Wilcox, Meisner,
Slover, Bealer,
----Source: Neillsville Times (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI) 6/13/1918
Fremont (13 Jun 1918)
Delia Church and Lulu Bedell of Tioga have been visiting friends here for the
past week.
Several from here attended the Dresher-Lindow wedding Wednesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Bigelow, Fred Hill, wife and son, Guy, and Mrs. Loy autoed to
Greenwood Sunday to visit Bert Wilcox and family.
Mrs. Meisner, Delia Church and Vera Slover spent Friday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Willie Bealer.
Mrs. Luther Lindow went to Freeport, Ill., to see her husband, who is there for
treatment in the sanitarium.
Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Lulu Bedell, Delia Church and Vera Slover attended the
picture show at Marshfield Sunday night.
F. Hill and family and Ralph Bigelow attended the picture show and lecture at
Marshfield Thursday evening.
We are certainly having our share of rain so far this season.
The eclipse of the sun Saturday afternoon was viewed with great interest around
here, it being so dark at half past five that lamps had to be lighted.
Fred Hill and family, Clarence Wilcox and family, Waite Wilcox and wife, Lulu
Bedell and Delia Church spent Sunday at the C.J. Bigelow home.
Milo Lindow is visiting at his uncle, Otto Drescher’s, this week.
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