News: Humbird (9 Aug 1973)

Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon

Surnames: Everson, Matti, Newell, Anderson, Dignin, Creviston, Laffe, Clouse, Wold, Greub, Baumgartner, Sieg, Shara, Lightfoot, Fitzmaurice, Hart, Newton, Smith, Potvin, Fristad, Theiler, Walker, Dunn, Pickett, Phillips, Williams, Moore, Allen, Rupnow, Nibbe, Ross, Hein, Riggs, Aebersold, Gerber, Diercks, Ramirez, Kirby, Trachsel, Crume, Staves, Duxbury, Russo, Duerkop, Parent, Palmer, Cartez, McIntyre, Walker, Krumholz, Lein, Putnam, Nelson, Sheffer, Walker, Joos, Newton, Markham, Hein, Johnson, Nering, Meyers, Buettke, Theiler, Bornowski, Polege

----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI) 8/09/1973

Humbird (9 August 1973)

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Everson of Janesville were callers Sunday in the Arnold Matti home. They were called to Alma Center by the illness of his father, Claire Everson, who was taken to the Black River Falls hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Newell and Virgil and Mrs. Hillard Anderson of Black River Falls returned Wednesday from a vacation trip which took them to St. Paul, Lake Superior and Mackinaw Island.

Mr. and Mrs. William Dignin of Ashland, Oh., came Saturday to take his mother, Mrs. Laura Dignin with them to Downeyville, Calif., where they will visit in the home of Mrs. Laura Dignin’s sister, Mrs. Beulah Creviston.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Laffe drove to Loyal Sunday to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Clouse. Other guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Orin Wold, Gordon and John of Disco and Mrs. Ida Wold and David of Black River Falls.

Mr. and Mrs. John Greub and Mrs. Laura Baumgartner were in Neillsville Sunday afternoon and visited friends in the Memorial Home.

Mrs. Bernard Sieg attended the funeral of one of her old neighbors in Price this Monday.

Mr and Mrs. Emil Shara of Wisconsin Rapids were here Sunday to visit in the home of her sister, Mrs. Gladys Lightfoot and with her called at the Levi Fitzmaurice home in the afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hart and son, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hart of Northfield, Mn, were callers Sunday in the Kate Dignin, Harold Hart, and Newton homes before going to Neillsville to see his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Garald Hart.

Mrs. Matie Smith is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Potvin in St. Paul for an indefinite time.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fristad of Stevens Point were supper guests Sunday at the Will Theiler home.

Mr. and Mrs. Mel Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Walker attended the horse show at Pigeon Falls Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harley Dunn of Cashton were visitors Thursday at the Perle Pickett home.

Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips, Marion, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams of San Jose, Calif., attended a family dinner at the John Moore home in Port Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Art Allen of Wisconsin Rapids were also there.

Accidents it seems are bound to happen, and while Fred Rupnow was trying to get a woodchuck out of a tree, a limb broke causing him to fall. He was taken to the Neillsville Hospital and has an injured hip.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nibbe and Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Ross and Kim returned to their home in Hobart, Ind., Saturday after spending a week in the Hein cottage and visiting her mother, Mrs. Kate Dignin.

Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Riggs left Wednesday for their home in Zion, Il., after spending a week here visiting in the William Aebersold and Emma Gerber homes.

The Happy Hour Homemaker club members enjoyed a picnic dinner Sunday in the local park.

Mrs. Donna Diercks of La Crosse was a visitor Satruday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Gladys Lightfoot.

John Ramirez of Hobart, Ind., came up Friday to take his wife and children home after a visit with her mother, Mrs. Kate Dignin.

Keith Kirby of Clarksville, Tenn., spent from Monday until Friday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kirby and while here visited at the Dick Trachsel home in Rochester, Mn. Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kirby took their son to Eau Claire to take a plane home.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crume of Westby were callers Sunday in the Hein home and then drove to Neillsville to see Mr. Hein in the hospital.

William (Bill) Staves came home Tuesday from the hospital and is reported as feeling fine but taking life a bit easy. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Staves were down to take his brother home.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nibbe of Hobart, Ind., and Mrs. Ray Duxbury of Merrillan spent Wednesday evening at the Levi Fitzmaurice home.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Russo of Elmhurst, Il., were last week visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Duerkop.

Mrs. DeWayne Parent and Steven were guests Satruday at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Palmer of Thorp.

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cartez and brother of Fall River were callers at the Pickett home Sunday while on their way to call on Fred Rupnow, who is in the hospital.

DeWayne Parent accompanied his brother-in-law, Ralph McIntyre of Elk Mound to Hornell, N.Y., Wednesday where they attended the funeral of a friend and came home Saturday.

Blueberries are coming in slowly. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fitzmaurice have been picking them and when asked about what they were worth replied, ‘Wouldn’t do it for a $1.00 a quart.’

Mr. and Mrs. Archie Walker and Mrs. Margaret Walker of Fairchild were dinner and afternoon guests at the Archie Kirby home Wednesday.

Herb Krumholz is in the hospital at Rochester, Mn, where he will undergo major surgery this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Perle Pickett spent last weekend in the Chris Smith home in Preston, Ia., and on the way home called at the Carroll Lein home in Hanover, Il., before returning Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams and two sons of San Jose, Calif., are spending a week here visiting her parents and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips and Mario n.

A reunion of the Putnam family was held Sunday in the local park. A picnic dinner and visit was enjoyed by all. A much needed rain came to spoil the occasion and hastening them home.

Mr. Olga Nelson and son Kenneth were at Whitehall last Sunday to see her mother, who is in a home there.

Kenneth Sheffer while riding his motorcycle Tuesday night struck the back of the car driven by Edna Walker. Kenneth has several broken bones and a head wound and the motorcycle is a wreck. Mrs. Walker suffered no injuries but the back of her car was badly damaged.

Mrs. and Mrs. Thane Joos and Karen of Alma Center and her mother, Mrs. Newton were callers Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Anita Markham.

Will F. Hein, who is in the Neillsville hospital, suffered a severe attack of Glaucoma Friday morning and rushed to Marshfield, where he underwent surgery and now is coming along very well. He expects to be home the latter part of the week.

Mrs. Helene Nelson of Eau Claire spent Sunday afternoon at the Newton home.

Mrs. Matie Smith came home Saturday after a week’s visit at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Potvin of St. Paul.

Mr. and Mrs. Willis Johnson and family of Appleton; Mrs. Robert Nering and boys, Eau Claire; Mr. and Mrs. Harland Meyers, Cedar Falls; Mrs. Esther Buettke, Milwaukee; Mr and Mrs. Fricky Theiler and children, Cataract; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bornowski and boys of Wausau and Mr. George Polege and daughter, Nellie of Fairbanks, Ia., were all weekend guests at the Ted Polege home.



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