BioA: Trunkel, Mr./Mrs. John M. F. (30th - 1973)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Trunkel, Gosar, Laken, Verschay, Sladich, Koschak, Stragisher, Wessel,
Snedic, Mertens
----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI) 8/16/1973
Trunkel, Mr. and Mrs. John M. F. (30th - 2 August 1973)
The Rev. Michael Mertens officiated for the 30th wedding anniversary mass for
Mr. and Mrs. John M. F. Trunkel during the 8:30 a.m. Mass Sunday morning at Holy
Family Catholic Church in Willard.
John F. Trunkel and Sophie Gosar were married August 2, 1943, at the Holy Family
Catholic Church by the Rev. Raphael Stragisher. The attendants were Josephine
(Laken) Verschay, Anna (Gosar) Sladich, Frank Koschak and Edward Trunkel. After
their marriage, the Trunkels farmed on the home farm near Willard and are still
Mr. and Mrs. Trunkel have six children: John W.; Robert, who is married; Mrs.
Allen (Judy) Wessel of Greenwood; Jacob, Kathy, and Daniel. They have one
grandchild, Scotty Wessel.
Festivities included barbecued pork and all the trimmings, and music, visiting,
picture taking and social gathering of about 250 people, including relatives and
friends, was held at the open shelter at Willard. Also a mock wedding was held,
with the following taking part: Bill Snedic, Kathy Trunkel, Robert and Joan
Trunkel, Frank Koschak and Judy Wessel.
The anniversary cake was made by their daughters, Kathy Trunkel and Judy Wessel.
The Trunkels received a number of gifts and cards.
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