BioA: Schindler, Mr./Mrs. Fred (Silver – 1967)
Surnames: Schindler, Brockman, Krause, Koplitz, Lieske, Varon, Tieman, Bladl,
Koblarzyk, Weix, Jakel, Karsten, Michlig, Trimmer, Stacke, Rohland, Laski,
Samuelson, Bowe, Hodnik
----Source: Tribune/Phonograph (Abbotsford, Clark Co., Wis.) 26 Oct 1967
Schindler, Mr./Mrs. Fred (Silver – 14 OCT 1967)
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schindler celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary Saturday,
Oct. 14, 1967, at a high mass said by the Rev. Francis Brockman, assisted by
Emil Hodnik. Father Brockman married the Schindlers 25 years ago at Withee, then
a mission of Abbotsford.
Shortly after they were married Mr. Schindler entered the armed forces, where he
served with the military police for 39 months. In 1946 they purchased a farm,
which they still operate.
All of their children were present for the occasion: Mrs. Greg Krause (Pat),
Marie, Fred Jr., Jane, Leoanrd, Michael, Peggy and Timm. Also present were Greg
Krause, Mrs. Anna Koplitz and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Koplitz and family.
After mass a brunch was served at the Schindler home for those attending.
Sunday afternoon a group of relatives and friends gathered at the Schindler
They included Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schindler and family, South Milwaukee, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Schindler and Kather, Owen, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lieske, Eau
Claire, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Koplitz and family, Withee, Marie Schindler, Eau
Claire, Dr. and Mrs. David Varon, Skokie, Ill., Mrs. Anna Koplitz, Mrs. Lillian
Koplitz, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Tieman and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bladl, Owen, Jim
Koblarzyk, Thorp, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Weix, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jakel, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Karsten, Mr. and Mrs. John Michlig, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Trimmer, Mr.
and Mrs. Adolph Stacke, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rohland, Mrs. Louis Laski and Mr.
and Mrs. S. Krause, all of Curtiss, Mr. and Mrs. S.N. Samuelson, Stanley, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bowe, Loyal.
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