Obit: Lis, Carolyn #2 (1936 – 1966)
Surnames: Lis, Oestreich, Carpenter, Johnston, Meacham, Doering
---------Source: OWEN ENTERPRISE (Owen, Clark County, Wis.) 26 May 1966
Lis, Carolyn (4 JUL 1936 – 21 MAY 1966)
Mrs. Alois (Carolyn) Lis, 29, Withee (Clark Co., Wis.), died at 10:25 p.m.
Saturday at St. Joseph's Hospital in Marshfield following a short illness.
Services were conducted at 3 p.m. Tuesday at the Loyal Methodist Church, with
Rev. Paul Doering officiating. Burial was made in the Loyal Cemetery.
The former Carolyn Oestreich was born July 4, 1936 in the town of Sherman, Clark
County, andw as a graduate of the Loyal High School and St. Joseph's Hospital
School of Nursing class of 1957.
She had been employed as a registered nurse at Luther Hospital in Eau Claire for
one year before her marriage July 15, 1958, at Loyal, to Alois Lis. For the past
four years they had made their home in Withee.
Mrs. Lis was a member of the Loyal Methodist Church and the WSCS of Withee.
In addition to her husband, survivors are there children, Krisann 7, Al Bradley
5, and Kurt Allen 4; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christ Oestreich, Loyal; four
sisters, Mrs. William (Shirley) Carpenter, Wis. Rapids; Mrs. Craig (Rachel)
Johnston, Marshfield; Diane and Rebecca, at home; and her maternal grandmother,
Mrs. Fred Meacham, Loyal.
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