BioA: Graves, Mr./Mrs. Wayne N. (Gold – 1969)
Surnames: Graves, Hanson, McIlhattan, Morrell, Tack, Grall
----Source: Tribune/Record/Gleaner (Loyal, Wis.) 05 Feb 1970
Graves, Mr./Mrs. Wayne N. (Gold – 3 DEC 1969)
On Dec. 6, 1969 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne N. Graves were honored with a reception given
by their sons, John H. and Wayne N.II, and wives, held at the Westchester
Women's Club in Los Angeles, with over 100 guests attending. On Dec. 15 they
were again honored by their Easter Star Chapter, L.E.S., of which they are a
Past Matron and Past Patron in the year 1948. Mrs. Graves is a Past Grand
Representative from California to the State of Louisiana.
Mr. and Mrs. Graves were married Dec. 3, 1919, in Minneapolis, Minn., having met
in Ashland, Wis. when Mr. Graves was stationed there with his army unit in 1917
at the inception of World War I. Mrs. Graves is the former Aida K. Hanson of
Washburn, Wis., and Mr. Graves is son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Graves, and was
born in Spencer and spent his early life there.
In 1923 Aida and Wayne moved to California, where they still reside in Los
Angeles. Mr. Graves, now retired, had his own practice as a Certified Public
Accountant since 1939, and also with his son owned an International Harvester
Motor Truck Agency in Santa Monica, California.
Their union has been blessed with the two sons mentioned above, and four
Attending the reception were Wayne's sister, Eva McIlhattan, grandniece, Nancy,
and her husband, , James Morrell, , their daughter, Caitlin, grandnephew Mike
Grall and his wife. Relatives in the Spencer area who could not attend were Mr.
and Mrs. Harley Graves, Mrs. And Mrs. Spencer Graves, Mrs. Lucille Tack, and Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Graves.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Graves wish to extend to all their relatives and good friends
in Spencer, sincere good wishes and thanks for the many cards and
congratulations, and to extend to all a very Happy New Year.
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