News: Curtiss (5 Sep 1968)
Surnames: Peterson, Herrick, Bakke, Klein, Schaus, Johnson, Strand, Lott,
Kramas, Blodgett, Zasoba, Schultz, McBride, Hanson, Giese, Torgeson, Erickson,
Buss, Burtard, Deimer, Olson, Neuhaus, Laabs, Strassburger, Geary, Konik, Nabel
----Source: Tribune/Phonograph (Abbotsford, Clark Co., Wis.) 5 Sep 1968
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peterson and sons of Madison spent the Labor Day weekend
with his mother, Mrs. Anna Peterson, and the Ralph Peterson family.
Grant Herrick arrived home Friday from a three week motor trip to the west
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bakke and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bakke visited at Stevens Point
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Klein and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Schaus and daughter of Kaukauna were Labor Day weekend guests
at the Jacob Johnson home.
Mrs. Minnie Strand, Eau Claire, was a weekend guest at the home of Mrs. Milla
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kramas Jr. and sons of Milwaukee, Miss JoAnn Kramas of
Marshfield and Miss Louis Kramas of Medford were Labor Day weekend guests at the
home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kramas Sr.
Mrs. Alice Blodgett and daughter Alice, of Topeka, Kan., former Curtiss
residents, called on friend her over the weekend. Mrs. Blodgett will be
remembered as the former Alic Zasoba.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Blodgett and daughter of Somerville, N.J. arrived at the
Clarence Schultz home on Friday evening to visit her sister and other relatives
in this area.
Miss Connie McBride, La Fayette, Ind. And David Schultz, Ithaca, N.Y., spent the
weekend with his parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hanson, Mrs. Ed Giese and Mrs. Louis Torgeson of Ontario,
Wis., were Thursday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cornel Erickson.
Miss Diana Schultz returned to her school duties at Valparaiso, Ind. On Sunday,
after spending her summer vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Schultz.
Mrs. Elizabeth Buss and Mrs. John Burtard spent the weekend at Ladysmith and
Rice Lake on a fishing trip and outing.
Miss Beth Deimer of Cedar Falls, Ia. was here over the Labor Day holidays as
guests of Dennis Olson at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Olson and
Otto Neuhaus of Cleveland, Wis., a former Curtiss area resident, visited friends
and relatives in this area over the Labor Day weekend.
Mrs. Albert Schultz Sr. is a patient at the Medford Memorial Hospital.
Miss Donna Olson, Steve Laabs and Marvin Strassburger left for Wausau on
Tuesday, where they will attend technical school.
Mrs. Clarenc Schultz left for Medford Tuesday, where she will attend Taylor
County Normal School there.
Area teachers who have started teaching in their school are Arthur Laabs at the
junior high at Owen, Mrs. Cynthia Geary and Mrs. Gwen Peterson at Abbotsford,
Mrs. Arthur Laabs at Taylor County Normal at Medford, and Miss Sandra Konik,
Racine school system, Racine.
Miss Susan Laabs returned from Cleveland, Ohio, Saturday. She and Miss Val Nabel
of La Crosse visited Dennis Laabs on a nine day vacation. Dennis teaches and
Miss Nabel attends school there.
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