BioA: Susa, Mr./Mrs. John Sr. (40th – 1957)
Surnames: Susa, Bautsch, Bowdin
----Source: Greenwood Gleaner (Greenwood, Clark Co., Wis.) 27 Jun 1957
Susa, Mr./Mrs. John Sr. (40th – 20 JUN 1957)
Relatives and friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. John Susa Sr. Sunday evening, June
23, 1957, in celebration of their 40th wedding anniversary. The actual
anniversary date was Thursday, June 20th. Lunch was served and they received
many nice gifts.
Miss Dora Bautsch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bautsch of City Point was
united in marriage to John Susa Sr., son of Mrs. Joseph Susa Sr., on June 20,
1917 at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Greenwood by Rev. Father Achtlich. They were
attended by Hattie Susa Bowdin, now of Globe, and Albert Susa.
Following their marriage they settled on a farm southwest of Greenwood (Clark
Co., Wis.), which has been their home ever since.
The Susa's have four sons, John Jr., Cletus, James and Giles, and 14
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