BioA: Vinger, Mr./Mrs. Palmer (40th – 1957)
Surnames: Vinger, Voie, Erickson, Olson, Kavanaugh, Thompson, Henderson, Ragatz
----Source: Greenwood Gleaner (Greenwood, Clark Co., Wis.) 19 Dec 1957
Vinger, Mr./Mrs. Palmer (40th – 5 DEC 1957)
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Vinger of this city (Greenwood, Clark Co., Wis.), celebrated
their 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday, December 8th, 1957 by receiving guests
at open house from 2:00 to 4:00 and from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. at their home. The
couple received bouquets of flowers, gifts and many congratulatory messages.
A three-tier wedding cake centered the refreshment table, from which food was
served by Mrs. Otto Voie and Mrs. Thomas Erickson.
Mr. Vinger, who has been in the insurance, real estate and loan business for 39
years and the former Lydia Olson, were married December 5, 1917 at
Blanchardville. They also lived at Unity and on a farm four miles north of
Greenwood, and moved to the city in 1926.
The couple has two daughters, Mrs. William (Vivian) Kavanaugh and Mrs. Richard
(Shirley) Thompson, both of Greenwood, who were present at the celebration with
their husbands and children. The four grandchildren of the Vingers are Kay and
James Kavanaugh and Patti Jo and Nan Jean Thompson.
Other guests included Mr. Vinger's three brothers and one sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Gayhardt Vinger, Cambridge, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Vinger, New Prague,
Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Vinger and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ragatz of Stanley; Mr. and
Mrs. Scott Henderson, Stanley, and many friends from Loyal, Neillsville,
Marshfield, Spencer and Owen, as well as Greenwood and area were among those who
called during the open house.
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