BioA: Wolf, Mr./Mrs. Joseph (40th – 1958)
Surnames: Wolf, Enders, Seymour, Hartung, Achtlick
----Source: Greenwood Gleaner (Greenwood, Clark Co., Wis.) 26 Jun 1958
Wolf, Mr./Mrs. Joseph (40th – 4 JUN 1958)
The 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wolf was celebrated Sunday,
June 8, 1958 with an anniversary mass at St. Mary's Church in Greenwood by Rev.
Edward Hartung, pastor, with their children and grandchildren attending.
Miss Eva B. Enders and Joseph Wolf were marriage June 4, 1918 at St. Mary's
Church, Greenwood, with the late Rev. Father Charles Achtlick officiating at the
Nuptial Mass. The attendants were Mrs. Madeline Seymour, Marshfield, sister of
the groom, as bridesmaid, and Chauncey Seymour, as best man (now deceased).
A group of near relatives were entertained during the afternoon and at a 5:00
dinner at their home on Sunday. Friends and neighbors gathered for the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Wolf received many lovely gifts and cards of congratualtions.
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