BioA: Stark, Mr./Mrs. George (Silver – 1961)
Surnames: Stark
----Source: Greenwood Gleaner (Greenwood, Clark Co., Wis.) 14 Sep 1961
Stark, Mr./Mrs. George (Silver – 3 SEP 1961)
Mr. and Mrs. George Stark celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary on Sunday,
September 3, 1961, at the Legion Hall in Greenwood (Clark Co., Wis.)
A buffet supper was served with a wedding cake used for the centerpiece and
decorated with silver and the original top decoration used 25 years ago.
All members of the wedding party 25 years ago were present, except one who could
not be reached.
Mr. and Mrs. Stark were married September 5, 1936 and have one daughter, Janet.
Relatives came from Withee, Greenwood, Milwaukee, Neenah, Wausau, Clintonville,
Aniwa, Fremont, Appleton, Richfield and Seymour.
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