BioA: Wehrman, Mr./Mrs. William (Gold – 1971)
Transcriber: :
Surnames: Wehrman, LaBarge, Gabrovic, Kobiske
----Source: Tribune/Record/Gleaner (Loyal, Wis.) 22 Apr 1971
Wehrman, Mr./Mrs. William (Gold – 15 APR 1971)
Friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. William Wehrman of Loyal (Clark Co.,
Wis.), gathered at the Spencer Municipal Hall to celebrate their golden wedding
anniversary Saturday afternoon. The honored couple were married on April 15,
Their children were all able to attend the gathering. Their children are Donald
Wehrman, Harvey Wehrman of Lamont, Illinois; Herbert Wehrman of Withee; Raymond
Wehrman of Oshkosh; Mrs. Louis (Agnes) LaBarge of Arpin; Mrs. John (Elaine)
Gabrovic of Conrath; Allan Wehrman, Wilfred Wehrman, Mrs. Gerald (Alice) Kobiske
of Loyal; Dale Wehrman of Milwaukee, Victory Wehrman of McHenry, Illinois.
There are 39 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren.
Both are active members of the Trinity Lutheran Church. They also belong to the
Legion and American Legion Auxiliary. Mrs. Wehrman is also busy piecing and
tying quilts for church missions.
Out of town guests came from Park Falls, Sheboygan, Barron, Rudolph, Greenwood,
Kenosha, Cleveland, Nekoosa, Milwaukee, Cadott, Marshfield, Butternut,
Janesville, Oconomowoc, Spencer, Withee, Conrath and Oshkosh. Other guests that
attended were from Westmont and Lamont, Illinois.
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