BioA: Koschak, Mr./Mrs. Frank (Silver – 1971)
Transcriber: :
Surnames: Koschak, Mertens, Lamovec, Horn, Ambrozich, Butala, Trunkel
----Source: Tribune/Record/Gleaner (Loyal, Wis.) 12 Aug 1971
Koschak, Mr./Mrs. Frank (Silver – 10 AUG 1971)
The Rev. Michael Mertens officiated at a silver wedding anniversary mass for Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Koschak, who renewed their marriage vows during the 8:30 a.m.
Mass August 8, at Holy Family Catholic Church. Mrs. Anna Lamovec was the
organist and Mrs. Kenneth Horn Jr. the soloist. The choir girls also took part.
Frank Koschak and Mary Lamovec were married August 10, 1946 at Holy Family
Catholic Church by the Rev. Bernard Ambrozich. The attendants were Stanley
Koschak and Olga Butala.
Mr. and Mrs. Koschak have five children: Jacqueline of Miami, Florida; Francis,
who attends the University of Wisconsin, Madison; Linda of Winnetka, Illinois;
and John and Steven at home.
The Koschks farmed on the home farm northeast of Willard (Clark Co., Wis.) until
1954. Mr. Koschak is employed at Greenwood Home, Inc. and farms on a small
scale. Both are active in parish and community work. Mr. Koschak is treasurer of
the American-Slovenian Catholic Union, Lodge No. 136.
Festivities included a supper at the outdoor shelter at Willard. Barbecue,
wieners, brats potica, with all the trimming, were served. An anniversary cake
made by Mrs. John F. Trunkel decorated the table.
Many friends, relatives and neighbors were present. Music was provided by Chico
and Yurkie.
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