BioA: Wolf, Mr./Mrs. Frank (40th – 1972)
Surnames: Wolf, King, Schmitz, Marvin, Gardner, Metcalf, Kautzer, Rasmussen,
Bauer, Haslow, Clark, Weis
----Source: Tribune/Record/Gleaner (Loyal, Wis.) 20 Jan 1972
Wolf, Mr./Mrs. Frank (40th – 16 JAN 1972)
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolf of Loyal (Clark Co., Wis.) celebrated their 40th Wedding
Anniversary Sunday, January 16, 1972. They were married January 16, 1932 in St.
Joseph's Catholic Church, Waukesha, Wis.
They observed the day by attending the 10:30 mass celebrated in their honor by
the Very Rev. Father King. The organist was Darla Gardner, granddaughter. The
congregation sang the hymns. The family was in attendance.
Dinner was served at one o'clock at the Star Lodge Motel. Present to honor the
couple were Rev. Father King and all their children, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wolf,
Loyal; Mr. and Mrs. Marlin (Virginia) Schmitz, , Granton; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
(June) Marvin, Greenwood; Mr. and Mrs. Merlin (Irene) Gardner and Darla,
Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley (Janet) Metcalf, Loyal; Mr. and Mrs. David
(Delores) Kautzer, Loyal; Mr. and Mrs. (Mary) Rasmussen, Greenwood; Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Wolf, Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis (Laurette) Bauer, Greenwood; Larry
Wolf, Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. Randall (Rochelle) Haslow, Loyal; Mr. and Mrs.
Richard (Clarice) Clark, Greenwood; and Dennis, Patrick, Randall, and Renee Wolf
and Susan Weis of Marshfield. They also have fifty-one grandchildren.
Gifts were corsages, A Bible cake, a money tree, an anniversary picture, wall
paneling and gifts of money.
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