BioA: Lindner, Mr./Mrs. Casper (45th – 1972)
Surnames: Lindner, Koopman, Stewart, Janezich, Herdrich, Wilke, Sullivan,
Wessel, Denk
----Source: Tribune/Record/Gleaner (Loyal, Wis.) 29 Jun 1972
Lindner, Mr./Mrs. Casper (45th – 24 JUN 1972)
On Saturday, June 24th, 1972, Mr. and Mrs. Casper Lindner of Greenwood (Clark
Co., Wis.) celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary.
A 12:30 Mass was said at St. Mary's Catholic Church by Father Koopman, pastor.
Grandchildren were servers, lector and ushers. Mrs. Rita Stewart was the
A reception followed at the home, which was followed by a supper for immediate
family. In the evening a dance was held at the Elaine Herdrich farm, which was
attended by relatives and friends.
The wedding cake was baked by Shirley Janezich, and decorated by a niece, Miss
Loretta Lindner.
Children and families present were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lindner and family, Mrs.
Elaine Herdrich and family, Miss Jackie Lindner, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lindner and
family, all of Greenwood; Mr. and Mrs. Franklin (Irene) Wilke and family, Loyal;
Mr. and Mrs. Joe (Jeanette) Sullivan and family, Los Altos, California; Mr. and
Mrs. Henry (Shirley) Janezich and family, Willard; Mr. and Mrs. La Vern Lindner
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lindner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Linder
and family, all of Loyal; Mr. and Mrs. Emmett (Dorothy) Wessel, Sheboygan.
Mrs. Anna Denk, an attendant at the wedding, was also present..
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