BioA: Humke, Mr./Mrs. George (56th – 1972)
Surnames: Humke, Sheets, Jackson, Barribeau, Horn, Wiltgen, Toburen, Camarin
----Source: Tribune/Record/Gleaner (Loyal, Wis.) 16 Nov 1972
Humke, Mr./Mrs. George (56th – 8 NOV 1972)
On Sunday, November 5, 1972, a family gathering was held to honor Mr. and Mrs.
George Humke on their 56th wedding anniversary. George and Lelah (Sheets) Humke
were married at Immanuel United Church of Christ on November 8, 1916.
Relatives attending were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson and Scott, Mr. and Mrs.
David Barribeau and family, all of Sparta; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Horn and Howie of
Thorp; Mr. Dennis Humke, Michael and Michelle, and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wiltgen
and David, all of Marshfield; Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Toburen, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin
Humke, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Humke, Kurt, Todd, Joel and Dale of Greenwood. Rev.
and Mrs. Camarin and sons were guests also.
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