BioA: Jasinski, Mr./Mrs. Edward (Silver – 1970)
Surnames: Jasinski, Jorgenson, Scheurer, Gajda, Zelent, Hansel, Jenkot, Schwider,
Runak, Handa, Gasiorowski, Schman, Piowoni, Omholt
----Source: THORP COURIER (Thorp, Clark County, Wis.) 06 Aug 1970
Jasinski, Mr./Mrs. Edward (Silver – 25 JUL 1970)
On Saturday, July 25, 1970, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jasinski of Lublin (Taylor Co.,
Wis.) celebrated their silver wedding anniversary, beginning with a Liturgy of
Thanksgiving at 11:00 a.m. at Holy Assumption Orthodox Church, with Father James
Jorgenson officiating. A noon luncheon was served at their home for out of town
guests. At 6:30 p.m., the Jasinskis, along with approximately 200 guests,
enjoyed a dinner and an evening of dancing at the American Legion Hall in Thorp.
Music was furnished by "The Happy Notes" of Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
Hostess for the evening was Mrs. June Scheuer and Mrs. Mary Gajda, acting as
The couple's attendants of 25 years ago, Katherine Piwoni and Leonard Jasinski,
were present for the occasion.
Out of town guests attending the celebration included: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scheuer
and son of Sunnyvale, California; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Zelent, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Hansel, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jenkot, Mrs. Sally Schwider and daughter, and Mrs.
Julia Rusnak, all of Chicago; Mrs. Ella Handa of Bensenville, Illinois; Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Gasiorowski and family of Glenview, Illinois; Mrs. Ann Schuman of
North Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jasinski and family of Milwaukee, and Marvin
Piwoni and Jill Omholt of Madison.
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