Obit: Kaz, Candace Kay (1950 – 1971)
Surnames: Kaz
---------Source: OWEN ENTERPRISE (Owen, Clark County, Wis.) 15 Oct 1971
Kaz, Candace Kay (8 OCT 1950 – 11 OCT 1971)
Friends, relatives and classmates of Candace Kay Kaz, 21 year old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kaz, route 2, Owen (Clark Co., Wis.), paid their final
respects to the deceased when funeral services were held at 10 o'clock Wednesday
morning at the Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Owen. The Rev. George Becker, pastor
of the parish, officiated at the final rites, with burial being made at
Riverside Cemetery.
Miss Kaz, a senior student at WSU, Eau Claire, lost her life in a tragic auto
mishap early Sunday morning.
Born October 8, 1950 in Stanley, she received her education here, and was
graduated from the Owen-Withee High School with the Class of 1968. She then
continued her studies at the University in Eau Claire.
In high school Candace was a member of the Student Council for two years, a
member of the Pep Club, srved on the Annual Staff for two eyars, forensics, a
member of the Drama Club, French Club for four years, a three year member of the
National Honor Society, Homecoming Queen in her sophomore year, and a member of
the prom court in her junior year, as well as being an active member of the
Girls Athletic Association.
At college she was maintaining high scholastic honor and was serving as a social
service manager. In November of last year she accompanied the history group from
the University on a trip to Russia.
Ina addition to her parents, Miss Kaz is survived by four sisters, Carol, Green
Bay; and Susan, Mary, and Kathleen Kaz, all at home; and three brothers, Peter,
Michael and John Kaz, all at home.
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