BioA: Kauffman, Mr./Mrs. Everett (30th - 1975)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Kauffman, Schlinsog, Garbisch, Bezlyk
----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI) 2/27/1975
Kauffman, Mr./Mrs. Everett (30th - 1975)
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kauffman observed their 30th wedding anniversary Monday
evening with a gathering at their home on Rt. 1 Chili.
Guests present included Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schlinsog, Mrs. Viola Garbisch,
Roger and Janice, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bezlyk and children and Mrs. Emma Kauffman.
The couple’s three children phoned anniversary greetings from the out-of-state
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