BioA: Lindow, Mr./Mrs. Vernon (30th - 1975)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Lindow, Gilbertson, Horn, Wessenberg, Neinas, Faber, Bandt, Lee, Dix,
Kappel, Gardner, Peterson, Schlinsog, Klug, Wolfe, Hansen, Bahrenburg
----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI) 4/17/1975
Lindow, Mr./Mrs. Vernon (30th – 6 April 1975)
More than 60 persons attended the joint celebration of the 30th wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lindow, Rt. 1 Chili, and the baptism of their
grandson, Kevin Michael Lindow, also of Rt. 1 Chili, on Sunday, April 6.
The Rev. Henry Bahrenburg officiated at the baptism of Kevin during the 11 a.m.
worship service at Immanuel United Methodist Church, Chili. Sponsors were Mr.
and Mrs. Gene Gilbertson of Mercer, sister and brother-in-law of Mrs. Michael
A dinner following the service was held in the church parlors. The parlors were
decorated in pink and blue, centering around a tiered cake baked by Mrs. Connie
Dix, Chili.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lindow were married April 6, 1945, at Immanuel United
Methodist Church, Chili. They have two children, a son, Michael, farming in
partnership with his parents on the home farm near Chili, and a daugher,
Marilyn, a registered nurse at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Marshfield.
Among those in attendance were Mrs. Rudy (Alvira) Horn of Stevens Point and
Wayne Wessenberg, Wisconsin Rapids, both members of the bridal party.
Other guests were Kevin’s sisters: Kimberly and Kristin Lindow, Mrs. Helen
Lindow, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Neinas, Mr. and Mrs. Marlyn Lindow, Mrs. Emma
Faber, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bandt, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Dix and children: Ricky, Lori, Sheri, Tom, David, Steve and Julie, all of Chili;
Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Kappel and Clarisse, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gardner and Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Peterson and David, all of Marshfield.
Ted Schlinsog and Miss Lucy Schmidt of Loyal, Rudy Horn of Stevens Point; Mrs.
Wayne Wessenberg, Teresa and Darrell of Wisconsin Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Klug, Michael, Michelle, John and Tom of Merrill; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wolfe and
Brenda and Tommy Gilbertson, all of Mercer; Mr. and Mrs. Mile Lindow Plymouth;
and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hansen, Ryan and Chad of Fairbanks, Ak.
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