BioA: Zuehlke, Mr./Mrs. George (Golden - 1975)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Zuehlke, Oelrich, Naatz, Dux, Schwarze, Johnson, Ziehlsdorf, Robinson,
Andre, Wenzel, Groenewold
----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI) 5/01/1975
Zuehlke, Mr./Mrs. George (Golden – 29 April 1975)
Nearly 300 guests greeted Mr. and Mrs. George Zuehlke at the new American Legion
Club rooms in Loyal Sunday helping the honored couple celebrate their golden
wedding anniversary was one of the attendants, Mrs. Alfred (Ruth) Oelrich of
Alfred, a sister of Mrs. Zuehlke. The other attendant, Emil Naatz, now of Utah,
was unable to attend.
Mrs. Verland Dux and Mrs. Wesley Schwarze were in charge of the punch bowl,
while Dawn Johnson took care of the guest book for her grandparents.
Mrs. Zuehlke’s corsage of deeper lavender carnations and white chrysanthemums
accented her lavender dress. Her husband wore a gold carnation on his lapel.
Floral bouquets of gold and white were at either side of the wedding cake at the
head table for the dinner. Mrs. Robert Johnson of Taylor had baked and decorated
the cake.
Approximately 200 guests were served at the late afternoon dinner. Their pastor,
the Rev. Douglas Groenewold of Trinity Lutheran Church, Greenwood, offered the
Mrs. Zuehlke, the former Regina Ziehlsdorf spent her early years at Swanville,
Mn., before moving to Spencer, where she was graduated from high school in 1924.
It was at Spencer where her father, the Rev. A. F. Ziehlsdorf, officiated at the
wedding on April 29, 1925.
George Zuehlke was born at Golden Lake and came to the Loyal area in 1923, where
he bought the farm the following year. It is there on Rt. 2 Loyal, they have
made their home for the last 50 years. Both served on the rural school board at
one time or another before the days of consolidation. Both enjoy playing cards.
Mr. Zuehlke has been chairman of the Town of Loyal since 1945 and has served on
the County Board, including the committees for Agriculture, the Clark County
Hospital, and as a member of the Aging Committee in Clark County. He also served
on the Clark County Fair Board for nearly 20 years.
They are members of the Trinity Lutheran Church, Greenwood, where he was
president for a number of years and is an elder at the present time. Mrs.
Zuehlke teaches Sunday school as she has for nearly 40 years. She has been
active in the Homemakers for many years and was secretary of the Clark County
Homemakers for two years and Center chairman for five years. Through the years
she had sung with the various women’s choral groups. She is also a member of the
ladies Aid. During the summer she likes to do gardening and pick berries. Last
winter she took up crocheting in an evening class.
The Zuehlkes have two children: George, Jr., of Loyal and Mrs. Roy (Audrey)
Johnson of Humbird. There are also six grandchildren.
Among the guests from away were her brother, Gerhardt Zielsdorf, and wife, from
Milwaukee, and a niece and husband, the Rev. and Mrs. William Robinson of
Batavia. Two of Mr. Zuehlke’s sisters: Mrs. Annie Andre of Spencer and Mrs.
Emily Wenzel of Sullivan, and brother, Otto Zuehlke, and wife, of Sullivan who
had celebrated their 60th anniversary in February, also attended. Other guests
came from Milwaukee, Oconomowoc, Eau Claire and other points of the state, as
well as many from within the county.
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