Obit: Kallberg, Rebecca D. #2 (1954 – 1973)
Surnames: Kallberg, Kringle, Fischer, Kangas, Burtard, Kramer
---------Source: OWEN ENTERPRISE (Owen, Clark County, Wis.) 26 Apr 1973
Kallberg, Rebecca D. (21 OCT 1954 – 22 APR 1973)
A graveside service was held yesterday, Wednesday, April 25, for Rebecca Diane
Kallberg at 1 p.m. at the Riverside Cemetery. The Rev. Lester Kringle, pastor of
the Christian Alliance Church, Owen, officiated.
The pallbearers at these rites were Glen Fischer, Gary Kallberg, Charles Kangas,
Duane Fischer, Ken Burtard, and Corky Kramer.
Miss Kallberg was born October 21, 1954 in Marshfield and was a 1972 graduate of
Owen-Withee High School. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Kallberg, route 2, Owen (Clark Co., Wis.; a sister, Melanie Kallberg, at home;
three brothers, Gary, Gregory and Carl Kallberg, all at home; and her maternal
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Fischer of Owen.
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