BioA: Schmitt, Mr./Mrs. Paul (Gold – 1970)
Surnames: Schmitt, Johnson
----Source: Tribune/Phonograph (Abbotsford, Clark Co., Wis.) 15 Oct 1970
Schmitt, Mr./Mrs. Paul (Gold – 6 OCT 1970)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schmitt, Unity (Clark Co., Wis.), were married October 6,
To observe their 50th wedding anniversary, the couple entertained a large group
of relatives and friends at a celebration held at the Redwood Club Saturday
evening, October 10, 1970.
Lunch and refreshments were served at the table, with centerpiece consisting of
an appropriately decorated anniversary cake.
The couple received gifts at the occasion, which was sponsored by their three
children: Wilbur, Colby, Elroy, Unity, and Mrs. Walter (Elvera) Johnson,
Poynette. Mrs. Johnson presented a corsage of gold chrysanthemums to her mother
, and a white carnations boutonniere to her father.
Other descendants include eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
The honored couple made their living by farming until their retirement several
eyars ago, when they moved to their home in Unity.
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