Obit: Wessel, Walter H. (1901-
Transcriber: Allan Wessel
Surnames: Wessel, Frimak
----Source: Greenwood Gleaner Jun 1940
Wessel, Walter H. (12 Jan 1901-18 June1940)
Funeral services were conducted at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schwarze for
the latter's brother, Walter Wessel, 39, who died June 18 at Neenah. The service
was held at Salem Reformed Church, Braun Settlement. Interment was made in the
Braun Settlement cemetery.
Mr. Wessel, son of the late Adolph and Anna (Auebach) Wessel was born in the
Town of Mead Jan 12 1901.
He was married in the Town of Worden July 18 1927 to Margaret Frimak, who
survives with one son, Elroy, three brothers, and two sisters.
Mr. Wessel, for a number of years, operated a cheese factory near Stanley, and
the last nine years were spent farming near Neenah.
His mother died June 8 1917 and his father Oct 12 1939. Two children also
preceded him in death.
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