BioA: Gulcynski, Mr./Mrs.
Vincent (Gold – 1972)
Surnames: Gulcynski, Ustruck, Janette, Sliwka, Jacobson, Puerner
----Source: THORP COURIER (Thorp, Clark County, Wis.) 26 Oct 1972
Gulcynski, Mr./Mrs. Vincent (Gold – 10 OCT 1972)
A commemorative Mass was celebrated in honor of the Golden Wedding Anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Gulcynski, 205 Lawrence Street, Thorp (Clark Co.),
Wisconsin, on Sunday, October 15, 1972 at 11:00 o’clock at St. Hedwig’s Church.
Grandsons, Mike and Jim Gulcynski were the Mass attendants. Offertory gifts were
presented by six more grandchildren: Bill Ustruck, Brian Gulcynski, Dough
Gulcynski, Dan Gulcynski, Terri Ustruck and Susan Janette. The Jubilee Couple
received a special blessing by the celebrant, Rev. John Puerner.
Vincent Gulcynski and Frances Sliwka were united in marriage at St. Mary’s
Czestochowa Catholic Church at Junction (Clark Co., Wis.) on Tuesday, October
10, 1922. Following the Mass, a dinner was served at St. Hedwig’s Hall. Mrs.
Wanda Gulcynski was hostess and also made the beautiful Anniversary cake for the
Children of the couple are: Mrs. Willard (Emily) Ustruck, West Allis, Wisconsin,
Frank Gulcynski, Rockford, Illinois, Bob Gulcynski, Thorp, Mrs. James (Gerry)
Janette, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, Mrs. Charles (Judy) Jacobson, Libertyville,
The couple has twenty-one grandchildren. All were present to share the day with
their grandparents.
Out of town guests attending were from Downers Grove, Chicago, Elk Grove
Village, Oak Lawn, Illinois, Ypsilanti, Michigan, Milwaukee, Oshkosh Fond du
Lac, Stanley, Curtiss and Greenwood, Wisconsin.
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