BioA: Seidel, Mr./Mrs. Oscar
(40th – 1971)
Surnames: Brill, Seidel, Schoeler (?), Blahnik
----Source: Tribune/Phonograph (Abbotsford, Clark Co., Wis.) 26 Aug 1971
Seidel, Mr./Mrs. Oscar (40th – 7 AUG 1971)
A family get together was held August 7, 1971 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Bill, Colby, celebrating the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Seidel, Abbotsford.
All of their children, Mr. and Mrs. James Seidel and family, and Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Seidel of Marshfield, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schoeler (?) and family, and
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Seidel and family of Cazenovia, Mr. and Mrs. James Blahnik
and family, Dover, Minnesota, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brill and family of Colby
were present for the occasion.
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