BioA: Urban, Mr./Mrs. Jack
(Silver - 1976)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Urban, Vine, Swanson, Ammentorp, Scherrenberger, Krause, Dopp,
Stettler, Stevens, Wall, Vincent
----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI) 8/26/1976
Urban, Mr./Mrs. Jack (Golden – 11 August 1976)
Mr. and Mrs. David Vine and Brenda Urban entertained relatives at the Vine home
recently in honor of the 25th wedding anniversary of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Urban. Guests were, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Swanson and daughters of Des Plaines,
Il.; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ammentorp and son, Richard of Milwaukee; Mrs. Dennis
Scherrenberger and daughter, Vicci, and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Krause of Menominee
Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Leland Dopp and daughters, Linda and Judeen, and Mr. and
Mrs. Oliver Stettler of Marshfield; Mrs. Irving Stevens, Mrs. Floyd Wall, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Vincent and daughter, Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Vincent, Mr. and
Mrs. Theomore Vine, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Vine and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vine and
The Hostesses served supper including an anniversary cake baked and decorated by
Mrs. Earl Vine.
Ione Stevens, daughter of Mrs. Gladys Stevens and the late Irving Stevens and
Jack Urban, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Urban, were married in the United
Methodist Church August 11, 1951, and have farmed in the Town of Washburn all
their married life. They have two daughters, Mrs. David (Debbie) Vine and Brenda
who is employed in Milwaukee, and a grandson, Danny Vine.
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