BioA: Kramer, Mr. / Mrs. Julius
(Gold – 1965)
Surnames: Kramer, Wernicke, Sperl, Patterson, Schmutzler, Halverson, Evjen
----Source: Tribune/Phonograph (Abbotsford, Clark Co., Wis.) 14 Oct 1965
Kramer, Mr. / Mrs. Julius (Gold – 5 OCT 1965)
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kramer were the guests of honor at an anniversary
celebration given for them at Cherokee Hall Saturday evening, October 2, 1965.
Mr. and Mrs. Kramer were married October 5, 1915 in Kennan, and moved to Colby
in 1919.
Attendants at their wedding were Mrs. Ben Wernicke, Milwaukee, and Bill Kramer,
who is deceased.
Mrs. Kramer, the former Clara Sperl, was born May 11, 1895 in Fall River. Mr.
Kramer was born March 22, 1878 in Luxemburg. The couple retired from farming in
Mrs. Kramer was presented with a corsage of red roses and white baby mums for
the occasion. The hall was decorated in white and gold, and a three tiered
wedding cake, made by a niece, Mrs. Calmer Evjen, centered the table for the
buffet luncheon. Refreshments were served and music for dancing was provided by
the “Augustinos.” The couple received many gifts and cards.
Mrs. Lawrence (Fern) Patterson, Marshfield, their only daughter, was present for
the occasion. Also present were the couple’s grandchildren, who are Mrs. Woodrow
(Diane) Schmutzler, Riplinger, Art Halverson, Loyal, Miss Faye Halverson,
Milwaukee, Miss Jean Patterson of Marshfield, and their great-grandchildren,
Lori and Tod Schmutzler, and Jodi Halverson.
Guests from out of town were from Green Bay, Marshfield, Milwaukee, Geln Flora,
Kennan, Abbotsford, Lake Delton, Loyal, Medford, Elk Mound, Curtiss, Greenwood,
Unity, and Riplinger.
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