BioA: Schmidt, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph (35th - 1976)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Schmidt, Lezotte, Smith, Layton, Foote,
----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI) 12/02/1976
Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (35th - 8 November 1976)
The 35th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmidt of Rt. 1 Neillsville
was observed Saturday evening with dinner and dancing at Bali Hai Supper Club.
The Schmidts were guests of their children: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin (Yvonne) Lezotte
of Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schmidt of Neillsville, Mr and Mrs. Gordon
(Mary) Smith of Stevens Point, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert (Arlene) Layton of Wisconsin
Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. James (Carolyn) Foote of Manitowoc, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Schmidt of Granton and Lorie Schmidt of Neillsville.
The anniversary cake created by the honored couple’s daughter, Yvonne Lezotte,
depicted the original wedding day of November 8, 1941, the births of their seven
children, the weddings of the children and the anniversary day.
In addition to their seven children, the Schmidts also have 16 grandchildren.
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