BioA: Harris,
Mr./Mrs. Russell (Silver – 1972)
Surnames: Harris, Dunaway, Sawvel, Snow, Henning
----Source: Tribune/Phonograph (Abbotsford, Clark Co., Wis.) 10 Aug 1972
Harris, Mr./Mrs. Russell (Silver – 2 Aug 1972)
About 100 persons attended the 25th wedding anniversary observance of Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Harris of Dorchester, held at the Abbotsford City Hall Saturday
night, July 29, 1972. Mrs. Harris is the former Ruth Dunaway. The couple was
married August 2, 1947.
They have six children: Rusty, Medford, James Dorchester, Robert of Fort Bliss,
Texas, and Peggy jane and Jack at home. They have one grandchild.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sawvel, Beloit, attendants at the wedding, were here for the
occasion, and other special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Snow and Mrs. Dorothy
Henning of South Beloit, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Harris left this week to visit
relatives in Wadena, and also to visit relatives in Minnesota.
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