BioA: Krause, Mr. and Mrs. Carl (Golden - 1980)

Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon

Surnames: Krause, Goebel, Garbisch, Quast, Markesan, Buth

----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI) 5/15/1980

Krause, Mr. and Mrs. Carl (Golden – 14 May 1980)

Honored by friends, neighbors and relatives at an open house, recently, were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krause, Granton, celebrating their golden anniversary. The couple were married on May 14, 1930, at the Zion American Lutheran Church in Granton by the Rev. John Buth.

Present at the celebration were their attendants. Edna (Goebel) Garbish, sister of the bride, and Ervin Garbish. Serving as bestman was Reinhold Krause, brother of the groom, who was joined in the party by Iva (Hysell) Krause.

Leona Krause is the daughter of Paul and Nelda Goebel. Carl is the son of Carl and Emilia Krause.

The couple have four children, Wallace, Menomonee Falls, Kenneth and Kathleen Quast, both of Neillsville, and Roger, Markesan. They also have eleven grandchildren.



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