School: Granton Youth
Prepare for Livestock Show (1981)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Fish, Bletsoe, Eibergen, Spaete, Steiner, Butterfield, Garbisch,
Scheel, Ule, Andrews, Vandeberg, Rollins, Dix, Coyle, Winter
----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI) 8/20/1981
Granton Youth Prepare for Livestock Show (1981)
Twenty-three exhibitors from the Granton community will be exhibiting their
project animals this next Monday and Tuesday at the northwest Junior Livestock
show in Eau Claire. They will sell their animals at public auction Tuesday
J.C. Fish will show a beef steer. Bev Howard and J.C. Fish will both show sheep.
Hog exhibitors are Mark and Mike Bletsoe, Eric and Kent Eibergen, Dionne and
Doug Spaete, Ann Steiner, Richard Butterfield, Brenda and Randy Garbisch, Jim
Scheel, Pat Ule, Jeff Andrews, Barb and Terry Vandeberg, Cheryl and Darin
Garbisch, Dave Rollins, Tom Dix, Ollie Coy7le and Kevin Winter.
The group is under the supervision of Francis Steiner, vocational agriculture
instructor at the Granton High School.
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