School: Loyal FFA Visits State
Convention (2022)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Hinklemann, Luchterhand, Aumann, Hagen, Wilke, Jakobi, Kayhart, Smith,
----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI) 7/06/2022
Loyal FFA Visits State Convention (2022)
A group of nine Loyal High School FFA members attended the Wisconsin FFA
Convention at Alliant Energy Center in Madison June 13-16: (front, l-r) Devani
Hinkelmann, Tanna Luchterhand, Halle Aumann, Aspen Hagen, (back) Nick Wilke,
Brandon Jakobi, Micah Kayhart, Parker Smith and Jarrett Rueth. Students heard
from motivational speakers, got to check out what projects other FFA students
from around the state were doing and competed for awards for the various
agriculture-related projects they have done.
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