BioA: Weis, Mr./Mrs. Donald
(Silver – 1974)
Transcriber: Stan
Surnames: Weis, Rushman, Mellenthin, Bauer, Gennett, Schemenauer, Hansen,
Jelinek, Bohte, Beyerl
----Source: Tribune/Phonograph (Abbotsford, Clark Co., Wis.) 24 Oct 1974
Weis, Mr./Mrs. Donald (Silver – Oct 1974)
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weis of Unity celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on
Saturday evening, October 12, 1974 at the Sword, Colby. An anniversary mass was
celebrated at 8 p.m. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Colby. Father Frank Rushman
Immediately following mass, Mr. and Mrs. Weiss repeated their marriage bows of
25 years ago at the altar with their original wedding attendants as witnesses,
sister and brother of the couple, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weis of Green Bay.
Following mass a reception and dance were held at the Sword, with music by the
Green Valley Dutchmen of Marshfield. A mock wedding was acted out by their
daughters, son-in-laws and nieces and nephews.
Mrs. Weis wore a corsage of red roses with white mums, and her husband a red
rose boutonniere presented by their children and two grandchildren.
A large anniversary cake was baked and decorated by a sister of Weis, Mrs.
Wilbur Mellenthin, and presented as an anniversary gift. The girls of Unity
United Neighbors 4-H Club each made a cake for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Weis
are leaders of the club.
The original wedding attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weis, Green May, Mr.
and Mrs. George Bauer Jr., Unity, Mrs. Wilbur Mellenthin, Unity, Robert Endres,
Spencer, Roger Gennett, Spencer and Mrs. Elmer Schemenauer, Cedarburg. Mrs.
Charles Hansen was absent.
At 12 o’clock Mrs. Weis appeared in her original wedding dress, veil and shoes
of 25 years ago, as the band played “Here Comes the Bride.”
Present for the occasion were the couple’s seven children: Mrs. Mike (Bonnie)
Jelinek, Mrs. John (Bev0 Bohte and Linda Weis, all of Wausau, Mrs. Thomas
(Diane) Beyerl, Marathon, and Cind, Jeff and Ricky, at home. A large money tree
was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Weis from their children, and a silver cross
studded with rhinestones.
Mr. and Mrs. Weis presented each of their children and sons-in-lw, bridal
attendants and parents with a corsage and boutonniere.
Guests were from Green Bay, Spencer, Cedarburg, Loyal, Marathon, Wausau, Rib
Lake, Medford, Colby and Marshfield. Man beautiful gifts and money were
presented to the honored couple. A lunch was served to complete the evening.
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