Spencer Trinity Lutheran Cemetery
Sec. 30, Brighton Township, Marathon Co., WI

This cemetery index, compiled by
Stan Schwarze & Kathy Englebretson is provided free of charge for non-profit uses.
Enhanced information provided by Clark Co. History Buffs. Respect the rights of the transcribers and do not re-post it on any commercial sites or copy it without permission.
Burial info Provided by Cemetery Sexton Ted Stiemke
Tombstone photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Cemetery History
Clark Co., Wis. Internet Library Home Page
Search the Clark County,
Birth Indexes
Death Indexes.
Additional Photos:
Entrance sign,
Church, [another angle].
**The spreadsheets contain a large amount of information and may take several minutes to display. This data was obtained from cemetery, church & family records, tombstone photos, obituaries, a cemetery walk through and Clark County, Wisconsin biographical and historical records from 1881, 1891 & 1918. The accuracy of the data varies and may include errors. If you have additions or corrections, please contact us. If you can not find a desired obituary in the ALHN database to verify the entry, you may wish to order a micro-film of a Neillsville newspaper from the time frame you are researching. The
available newspapers can be requested from the Wisconsin State Historical through your local library. Please consider submitting any newly acquired items to the ALHN Records Board. If you have a bit of extra time, why not type a few unrelated items as a random act of kindness to future researchers?
Explanation of the Sources (Column A)
o = obituary, f = family record, t = tombstone, c =
Ron Flink cemetery record, n = Neillsville Court House record, s = social security death index, m = marriage announcement, q = query
Cemetery History
The congregation of St.
John's Lutheran Church was formed in about the year 1873. The congregation of
Trinity Lutheran Church was organized on May 21, 1881. These two congregations
formed one parish and were served by one pastor. Cemeteries for both of these
congregations were located at the site of the old St. John's Lutheran Church in
Brighton Township, north of Spencer, Marathon County, Wisconsin. The north side
of the cemetery is Trinity Lutheran's cemetery, and the south side is St. John's
Lutheran Cemetery. Sometime between the years of 1909 and 1911, the two
congregations terminated their union and St. John's Lutheran Church called its
own pastor. From 1911 to 2006, the building of St. John's Lutheran Church was
next to both cemeteries, but may be torn down sometime in the year of 2007.