to the Alpha-Index
Bickel, Andrew |
29 |
Bickmore, Moses |
42 |
Bickmore, Sarah |
42 |
Bidwell, John B. |
37 |
Bidwell, Marine |
37 |
Bidwell, Robert W. |
37 |
Bidwell, Ruby E. |
37 |
Bierl, George |
5 |
Bierman, August |
66 |
Bierman, Christina |
66 |
Biermann, Alma |
54 |
Bilgrien, Caroline A. |
27 |
Bilgrien, Frederich |
27 |
Bilgrien, Herbert L. |
27 |
Bilgrien, Wilhelmena H. |
27 |
Bille, John H. |
42 |
Billiet, Edward |
20 |
Billiet, Emily |
20 |
Billings, Jesse D. |
34 |
Billings, Josephine |
34 |
Billings, Mina |
33 |
Billings, Ora |
33 |
Bincen, Edward |
31 |
Bincen, John |
31 |
Bincenc, Frantizek |
31 |
Bincenc, Katerina |
31 |
Bincenz, Joseph |
31 |
Binder, Alvera |
7 |
Binder, Catherine |
30 |
Binder, Conrad |
30 |
Binder, Francis C. |
7 |
Binder, Gloria |
7 |
Binder, Michael |
7 |
Binger, Charlotte |
65 |
Binger, Ervin |
65 |
Binger, Gloria |
33 |
Binger, Harriet |
65 |
Binger, Harry |
33 |
Binger, Hiram |
65 |
Binger, Nathanial |
65 |
Binger, Winifred |
65 |
Binnebose, Alma |
33 |
Binnebose, Arvilla |
33 |
Binnebose, August |
33 |
Binnebose, Ernestine |
33 |
Binnebose, Gustav |
33 |
Binnebose, Louisa |
33 |
Binnebose, William H. |
33 |
Binning, Marlene Kay |
38 |
Binsky, August (2) |
6 |
Binsky, Louise |
6 |
Bird, Warren |
33 |
Birkholtz, Ida H. E. |
30 |
Bischoff, Augusta |
3 |
Bishop, Alice |
65 |
Bishop, Arthur |
65 |
Bissell, Homer |
37 |
Bissell, Mildred |
37 |
Bissig, Jost |
36 |
Bissig, Jost |
50 |
Bittner, Charls |
51 |
Blackburn, Charles Jessie |
46 |
Blackburn, George |
33 |
Blackburn, Ila |
33 |
Blackburn, Jeanette |
33 |
Blackburn, Lillie H. (See Knuteson) |
46 |
Blackburn, Nellie |
33 |
Blackburn, Richard |
33 |
Blackburn, Theodore |
33 |
Blackburn, Thomas |
33 |
Blackbyrn, Lawrence |
33 |
Blackmer, Hepsabeth E. |
16 |
Blaetter, Elizabeth |
27 |
Blaettler, Archie E. |
28 |
Blaettler, Mary E. |
28 |
Blakely, Clinton |
11 |
Blakely, Ruth |
42 |
Blanchard, Emma |
33 |
Blanchard, Etta |
65 |
Blanchard, Germain |
51 |
Blanchard, Gilbert |
65 |
Blanchard, Joseph |
33 |
Blanchard, Lillie |
65 |
Blanchard, Marlene G. |
38 |
Blanchard, Merritt |
65 |
Blanchard, Raymond G. |
38 |
Blanchard, Tillie |
65 |
Blanchard, Volney |
65 |
Blanchard, William |
65 |
Blancherd, John |
33 |
Blancherd, Lizzie |
33 |
Blancherd, RoseMary |
33 |
Blang, Henry |
51 |
Blenker, Amos |
29 |
Blenker, Charles |
29 |
Blenker, Clarence |
29 |
Blenker, Emma |
29 |
Blenker, George |
29 |
Blenker, Henry G. |
29 |
Blenker, Henry J. |
29 |
Blenker, Herbert J. |
29 |
Blenker, John |
29 |
Blenker, Joseph A. |
31 |
Blenker, Louie M. |
29 |
Blenker, Marion T. |
29 |
Blenker, Olive |
29 |
Blenker, Robert J. |
29 |
Blenker, Theresa (2) |
29 |
Blessing, Alice (See Garner) |
37 |
Blessing, Richard Henry |
37 |
Blichroth, John |
27 |
Bliek, Anton |
55 |
Bliek, Cornelia |
55 |
Bliek, Martin |
55 |
Bliek, Pamela J. |
55 |
Bliek, Susan C. |
55 |
Bliven, Floyd A. |
28 |
Bliven, Leona C. |
28 |
Bloch, Bertha W. |
27 |
Bloch, Richard P. |
27 |
Block, Karoline |
8 |
Bloczynski, LaVerne A. |
28 |
Blomberg, Agnes Mae |
36 |
Blomberg, Esther |
36 |
Blomberg, J. Clarence |
66 |
Blomberg, Jermey |
36 |
Blomberg, John V. |
36 |
Blomberg, William V. |
36 |
Blonien, Catherine |
45 |
Blonien, Elmer |
45 |
Blonien, Eva |
45 |
Blonien, Henry |
45 |
Blonien, John |
45 |
Bloomfield, Jeffery |
33 |
Bloomquist, Edith |
1 |
Bloomquist, Fletcher |
1 |
Bloyd, Wendell |
33 |
Bluemenstein, Elizabeth |
34 |
Bluemenstein, Henry M. |
34 |
Blum, Gordon W. |
28 |
Blystone, Charles R. |
33 |
Blystone, Ella |
33 |
Blystone, Emma |
34 |
Blystone, Riley |
33 |
Blystone, Tina |
33 |
Boardman, martha |
65 |
Bock, Anna |
24 |
Bock, August |
27 |
Bock, Dennis |
24 |
Bock, Emilie |
27 |
Bock, Frank J. |
24 |
Bock, George |
65 |
Bock, Judith L. |
24 |
Bock, Karl |
21 |
Bock, Loretta |
24 |
Bock, Louise R. |
24 |
Bock, Max A. |
24 |
Bock, Theodore |
21 |
Bock, Theresa |
65 |
Bodah, Engilline |
21 |
Bodah, Sarah |
42 |
Bodendorfer, Edna |
27 |
Bodendorfer, John C. |
27 |
Bodin, Anna L. |
1 |
Bodin, John K. |
1 |
Bodin, Manfred |
1 |
Boehing, Anna |
27 |
Boehing, Arnold |
27 |
Boehing, Elvia B. |
27 |
Boehing, Louis G. |
27 |
Boehning, Anna |
23 |
Boehning, Carl |
8 |
Boehning, Charles |
23 |
Boehning, Delila |
23 |
Boehning, Ernest |
23 |
Boehning, Fred |
23 |
Boehning, Richard |
23 |
Boehning, Walter L. |
23 |
Boehning, Wilhelmine |
8 |
Boehning, William |
23 |
Boelke, Alvin |
65 |
Boelke, Carl |
65 |
Boelke, Hilda |
65 |
Boelke, Wilhelmina |
65 |
Boetcher, Michael |
59 |
Boetcher, Pauline (See Hasseler) |
59 |
Boettcher, Charles |
65 |
Boettcher, Herman |
65 |
Boettcher, MaryAnn |
65 |
Bofhm, Children |
3 |
Bofhm, P. |
3 |
Bogdansky, John J. |
34 |
Bogdansky, Violet |
34 |
Boger, Inez |
6 |
Bohman, Anton C. |
38 |
Bohman, Dorothy |
38 |
Bohman, George |
24 |
Bohman, Jacob |
24 |
Bohman, Jean M. |
24 |
Bohman, Marker |
38 |
Bohman, Mary A. |
24 |
Bohman, Peter |
24 |
Bohman, Peter F. |
24 |
Bohmsach, Catharine |
59 |
Bohmsach, Clara |
68 |
Bohmsach, Emma |
59 |
Bohmsach, Emmett |
59 |
Bohmsach, John |
59 |
Bohmsach, Peter N. |
59 |
Bohmsach, William |
59 |
Bohmsack, Ardith |
46 |
Bohmsack, Gary |
46 |
Bohmsack, Infant Son |
46 |
Bohmsack, J. |
46 |
Bohmsack, Neil |
46 |
Bohn, Alvina |
68 |
Bohn, Rudolph |
68 |
Bohrtz, Emma (See Heuer) |
65 |
Boldt, Augusta |
65 |
Boldt, Clara |
38 |
Boldt, Georgianna |
33 |
Boldt, Ida |
65 |
Boldt, John |
65 |
Boldt, John F. |
65 |
Boldt, Louis |
38 |
Boldt, Ruth |
38 |
Boles, Anna |
34 |
Boles, Arthur F. |
34 |
Boles, August |
34 |
Boles, Charles |
34 |
Boles, Dorothy |
33 |
Boles, Frances |
34 |
Boles, Lawrence |
33 |
Boles, Thomas |
34 |
Bolster, Almer |
65 |
Bolster, Charles |
65 |
Bolster, Ella |
65 |
Bolster, Lovella |
65 |
Bolster, Neal |
65 |
Bolte, Minnie |
27 |
Bongiar, ? |
7 |
Bonsack, Lyle |
46 |
Bonsack, Lyle Leland |
46 |
Bonsack, Ruth Dorothy |
46 |
Boogenny, Adelaide |
60 |
Bopenbender, Zita B. |
27 |
Borchardt, Robert |
6 |
Borchardt, Ulricke |
6 |
Borens, Anna |
27 |
Borens, F. |
42 |
Bores, Mary |
24 |
Bores, Sam |
24 |
Borkart, Barbara |
24 |
Borkart, Joseph |
24 |
Borkowski, Joseph |
34 |
Bornback, Kathleen |
34 |
Bornback, Mary |
34 |
Bost, Wilhelm |
6 |
Botcher Family |
61 |
Botcher, Cynthia Leanne |
46 |
Botcher, David Lee |
46 |
Botcher, John E. |
46 |
Bottcher, Minnie |
65 |
Bottcher, Wilhelmine |
59 |
Bottcher, William |
65 |
Bottensek, Alvina |
65 |
Bottensek, Beatrice |
65 |
Bottensek, Pearl |
65 |
Bottensek, William |
65 |
Bouchholtz, Peter |
31 |
Bouma, Annie |
2 |
Bouma, Augusta |
2 |
Bouma, Caroline A. |
2 |
Bouma, Jarig |
2 |
Bouma, Obelus J. |
2 |
Bourcier, Frieda M. |
28 |
Bourcier, Leo E. |
28 |
Boushon, Elizabeth |
38 |
Boushon, John F. |
42 |
Boushon, Robert C. |
38 |
Boushon, Ruth M. |
42 |
Bouska, Joseph |
31 |
Bouska, Julia |
31 |
Bouska, Rose |
31 |
Bouska, Wenzel |
31 |
Bowden, Allen |
36 |
Bowden, Charles |
36 |
Bowden, Frances |
36 |
Bowden, James R. |
36 |
Bowden, Lorraine |
36 |
Bowden, Louise |
36 |
Bowden, Lyle |
36 |
Bowden, Margaret |
36 |
Bowden, Richard |
36 |
Bowden, William |
36 |
Bowden, William Sr. |
36 |
Bowes, Clarence (Jib) |
33 |
Bowes, Claude C. |
33 |
Bowes, Elizabeth |
33 |
Bowes, Mildred |
33 |
Bowman, Joann |
65 |
Bowman, John |
65 |
Boyarski, Leonard |
33 |
Boyce, Frank |
44 |
Boyce, Pauline |
44 |
Boyco, Anna |
36 |
Boyco, Connie |
36 |
Boyd, Ella |
42 |
Boyd, Francise |
42 |
Boyd, Sephora |
42 |
Boyer, Burton |
44 |
Boyer, Chloe |
44 |
Boyer, Eliza A. |
68 |
Boyer, Frankie |
65 |
Boyer, John |
65 |
Boyer, John S. |
68 |
Boyer, Lillie |
65 |
Boyer, Mabel |
44 |
Boyer, Robert |
65 |
Boyington, Chauncey K. |
9 |
Boyington, Clara |
9 |
Boyle, Mary (See Dauthier) |
34 |
Boyle, Mother |
34 |
Boylen, Mary |
7 |
Boyles, Bernardine |
47 |
Boyles, Dorothy |
33 |
Boyles, Frank E. |
33 |
Boyles, Frank E. |
33 |
Boyles, Helen |
33 |
Boyles, Hugh F. |
47 |
Boyles, Lavina S. |
47 |
Boyles, LeRoy O. |
47 |
This Cemetery Index was Compiled by Kenneth J. Wood for the Marshfield Public
for history,
educational and genealogy uses.