Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI December 18, 1996, Page 36 Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Good Old Days
By Dee Zimmerman
December 1869
Remember Hans Johnson’s dance at the O’Neill’s Hall next Christmas Eve.
The livery stable of Stafford & Kemery at Staffordville is run just as an institution of the kind should be. The stable is conducted under the management of its junior proprietor, “Johnny” Kemery, who knows his business perfectly, and can be found always ready to furnish his patrons with single or double rigs on short notice.
Capt. Tom LaFlesh is buzzing around town a good deal this week. The Captain is constantly busy and is now getting supplies into his camp at the East Fork. He will put in two or three million feet of logs this winter, with no bad luck.
The streets of our village last Friday and Saturday were filled with teams from the country, the stores were full of customers, and a pretty lively business was going on generally. It is pleasing to witness the changes that have taken place here within a few years. Instead of an occasional farmer’s team and the balance “tote” teams for the pineries, a greater number of the farmers are now very often to be seen in our village, evincing the gratifying fact, that while our timber wealth is suffering encroachments, our agricultural resources are being rapidly developed, and our population increased by an industrious class of husbandmen.
Hans Johnson, of the O’Neill House who can “light” guests to as comfortable a bed as may be found in any of our public houses, is not really content with this distinction alone, but has placed upon the corner near his hotel a street lamp, to guide the way-worn travelers to hospitable quarters. C. Blakeslee, merchant, at the old stand of J. P. Thompson & Co., imitates the example, and places a lamp in front of his establishment.
December 1881
The killing of several bears in this vicinity the past week does not add encouragement to the lumbering prospect. The bears have not holed up at all, but are still browsing about the marshes. Old hunters give this as an infallible sign of an open winter, and every other sign is at present in keeping with it. There can be no doubt that the instinct of animals is a more reliable weather guide than the calculations of men, and the bears may be watched with interest by lumbermen.
The tax roll of the Town of Pine Valley now in the hands of the town treasurer for collection shows a total of $14,276.60, viz: State tax, $591.63; county school tax, $343.57; county tax $3,238.44; town tax $4,356.00; school district tax, $5,006.75; delinquent road tax, $98.29; state loan tax, $642.00.
Three (There) will be a party at Withee station this week, given by the Hamilton Bros., the congenial hotel proprietors of that place. A good time is anticipated, s they are noted for making everybody feel at home; they will have a chance to tip the light fantastic toe, music furnished by the Greenwood Band.
Hewett’s camp on Rock Creek under the management of Dick Hubbard had “banked” 100,000 feet of logs Thursday night.
December 1906
Marriages this month – Alfred E. P. Schnabel of Town of Grant to Lena C. E. Lipkie of Town of Levis; Orval A Toptine of Town of Washburn and Mary E. Short of Washburn; Samuel D. St. John of Owen to Florence A. Raymond of Greenwood.
Shop at August F. Snyder’s Exclusive Clothier & Furnisher in Neillsville; Fur Coats from a Black Dog coat at $26.00 to Coon Skin coats at lowest possible prices. Mackinaw Jackets, corduroy blanket lined, sheep lined, buffalo cloth lined with Wombat collars and prices are right.
Herb Brown, Clerk and August Snyder, owner, standing in front of the August Snyder’s clothing Store, a Hewett Street business, circa 1900.
August Snyder Clothing Store on Hewett St., Neillsville, early 1900’s. To the left was a rack of men’s fur coats. Notice the celluloid collars for men’s dress shirts on the right, above the counter.
Neillsville council proceedings on Dec. 8, 1906: Council met with mayor Listeman presiding. Ald. Present was: Korman, Leason, Smith, Seif, and Trogner. Minutes of last meeting were approved. The following bills were allowed: A. Hauge, sawing wood, $3.90; G. W. Trogner, filing saws, $3.75; W. H. Davis Co., mdse w/works $7.50; Connor Lumber Co., lumber for sidewalks $28.96; C. S. Stockwell, surveying $3.50. Motion made and carried to bank up south half of Grand Ave. bridge across Black River, to be banked up to height of two feet on each side.
Several of the machine girls at the Home Knitting Factory struck for higher wages Monday, and failing to get it walked out. Consequently the plant is running short handed.
New typewriters, new text books, everything new and up to date at the Neillsville Business College; The college opens Jan. 7, 1907. All our graduates get and hold good positions.
Thursday evening, Dec. 13th, a big dance will be held at Wm. Thoma’s at Globe. The Neillsville Bon Ton Orchestra will play, and Dick Townsend will manage the floor. Tickets for supper and dance $1. A very pleasant evening is assured to all.
A new wind mill has been put up by the Neillsville high school for the purpose of pumping fresh water for drinking. A full line of freshly baked Christmas cookies at Lange’s bakery; also, fresh walnuts for 17 cents per lb. They have a large assortment of candies for the Holiday season.
I will deliver fresh buttermilk at 5 cents per quart on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays of each providing I can get sufficient customers to justify the expense of delivery. Persons who desire the buttermilk; call no. 74, Guy Youmans.
December 1946
About 30 friends dropped in at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ottow of Shortville Friday evening to remind them of their 40th wedding anniversary. Sheepshead furnished the evenings entertainment. High honors went to Mrs. James West and Roy Stanley, low to Mrs. Herman Lenzkow and James Kalas. A mock ceremony took place at which James West presided. The guests brought in well filled baskets and lunch was served.
The Chili Branch Bank opened Dec. 1st. E. J. Martin is the manager. It is to be open nine hours each week and is an office of the Central State Bank of Marshfield.
Tibbett’s Ice and Fuel Company moved their office equipment to a new location at the corner of Eighth Street and Grand Avenue, where a neat little building has just been completed. The east portion will be used as a display room while the north part will house the office equipment. A side entrance gives convenient access to the large scales.
Santa will be making his annual visit in Neillsville for the children’s Christmas party. Loaded down with 2,000 sacks of candy and nuts, Santa will arrive here shortly before 1:30 p.m. to greet good little boys and girls in the community. The Legion is in charge of the arrangements, to be assisted by the Kiwanis Club and Chamber of Commerce, and the city. Santa will be met by the high school band in front of Sniteman’s.
The shut-ins will not be forgotten. The Legion will make arrangements to deliver sacks of candy and nuts to them.
The main streets are decorated with evergreen boughs and canopies of brilliant colored lights across the intersections. The huge red star, which annually stands as a token of peace and good will, again sends out its cheerful rays over the country-side from the top of the water tower. (Now in the year of 1996, such a star is still shining over the water tower in our city during December. How many of us think of its original significance – the token of peace and goodwill among all – as we see its light shining each evening.)
Why do writers write? Because it isn’t there! – Thomas Berger
The two greatest stimulants in the world are youth and debt.—Benjamin Disraeli
Have no friends not equal to yourself. – Confucius
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