Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI

August 14, 1996, Page 28

Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.

Index of "Oldies" Articles 


Good Old Days   

By Dee Zimmerman


Neillsville Times


August 1893: Lowe Bros. Dissolve Partnership – Last Thursday it was authoritatively announced that the firm of Lowe Bros. had come to an agreement by which Thomas Lowe took and continued the meat market business, Jesse pulling out, the property equitably divided.  Jesse is now sole proprietor of the lot and building where the upper market is, the property occupied by McIntyre’s Store, the Oakley house, the DeLane barn property and the south half of the land out east of the city near the fairgrounds.  Tom taking the market business and fixtures, the property, occupied by Chas. Lee, the lower shop, business and property, the north part of the land east of town, etc.  Other property belonging to the firm being also fairly divided.


Jesse has left off his apron, and has not touched a chopping block since Thursday.  Both boys are well satisfied.  Tom is now paying Jesse rent for the market building, and has announced that he will put up a new market building, next spring, where the lower shop is, and will no doubt build also on the valuable lot now occupied by the Lee store.  Altogether the dissolution of the firm is one of the most important business changes this city has experienced for some years.  (The brothers had a disagreement, not go be resolved, thus dividing up all of the property.  Their homes were on 222 and 302 Grand Ave.)


The Kapellan building has now reached the top of the second story and the brick-laying will soon be done.  The iron window trimmings look very handsome. 


Everything in the banks seems to be running along quietly and smoothly as usual, and there is a feeling of confidence that indicates a return of better times.  The Clark County Bank has given its depositors additional evidence of its soundness by executing and filing in the clerk of courts office an undertaking or bond guaranteeing its depositors during the whole years 1893 that they will be paid in full.  This makes depositors perfectly secure, and shows that the bank proposes to stand-by its customers.


Steam threshers are again coming out of their long sleep of about ten months a year.


Wednesday morning, Aug. 2, 1893, by Rev. F. Volz, Mr. Emery Bruley and Mrs. Maggie Bruley were reunited in marriage, at Mrs. Bruley’s residence on Grand Avenue.


Persons living in the city, willing to take students to work for their board are requested to make this known as soon as convenient to Principal E. B. Oakley.


The Town of Levis negotiated its bridge bonds Monday.  So it appears that there is money enough, if one can only tell where it is.


Fish, Maxwell & Co., Hickville, Ohio, has leased the mill on the west side of the river, in Greenwood, and will stock it to manufacture wooden handles of all descriptions.  The plant will be known as the Greenwood Handle Factory.  When fully established it will give employment to 80 hands.


Leason’s fanning mills are only $14.00.


On Aug. 18, the Unitarian choir has arranged to give a concert that is designed to make of the best musical talent in the city, and will be unquestionably one of the treats of the season.  Male quartette songs, mandolin solos, duets, guitar solos, mixed voices, vocal solos, etc, will make a programme that must attract a house full.  The Unitarian church will be used and as it has electric lights, and the very best acoustic properties, excellent ventilation and easy seats, a most pleasant evening is assured.


S. C. and C. Hall who’s heading factory and saw mill was destroyed by fire, about a month ago, have concluded to commence rebuilding the factory at once.  The factory will be located in Sherman, on the site of the one burned, and C. Hall says they will be cutting heading within sixty days.  The saw mill will not be put in until next spring.  The machinery will be overhauled and new material added to the plant to take the place of that too greatly damaged.


Neillsville Press – August 1933 – For the first time in Wisconsin’s hunting history, hunting seasons on game birds and animals this year will be regulated by the Wis. Conservation Commission.  Section 29.174 of the Wisconsin statutes gives the Conservation Commission authority to regulate seasons, bag and size limits, rest days, and other conditions governing and taking of game, the conservation department is conducting investigations and has advertised hearings at which time sportsmen and other interested persons will be given an opportunity to present any testimony relative to hunting and hunting conditions.


One of Neillsville’s oldest landmarks, the building north of O’Neill Creek on Hewett Street occupied 50 years by James and Tom Robinson, blacksmiths, is being torn down by Herbert Borde, owner of the filling station at that location.  The exact age of the structure is not known, but is believed well over the half century mark.  In later years it was remodeled into a cheese factory, operated successfully by Max Lange, H. J. Grell and Frank Reinhard.


Dances in the Area: Hake’s Barn on Aug. 5; East Side Hall, Willard, every Sunday night; Garbisch Hall, Aug. 8; Riverside, Friday and Sunday; Henry Seltrecht’s Barn, 8 mi. south of Lynn, Aug. 6; Yankee’s Hall, Granton, Aug. 6; Silver Dome Ballroom, Aug. 9, Paul Tremane and his 14 pc. Colombia Broadcasting Orchestra


Shopping Specials in Neillsville:  All haircuts 25¢ at Don’s Barber Shop, First National Bank Bldg.; Clean linen used on every patron; Leading brands of toilet water and creams used in Neillsville’s most modern barber shop.  Also, Shower baths 25¢


Frank’s Al’Aboard Lunch – the home of good eats.  Regular Dinners, Lunches and Short orders; Open All Night!


A & P Grocery: Gold Medal Flour 49 lb. bag $1.91; P & G Soap, 10 giant bars for 39¢, Corned Beef Hash, 1 lb. can 17¢.


Clark County is hard hit by dry weather.  The dry season last year, ice and bare ground of last winter killed last year’s new seeding in many places, and while there was abundance of rain in May, the hot dry weather of June cut short the hay crop.


The marsh and swamp hay in the southern part of the county is being cut for hay and in some localities farmers are driving their livestock some distance to pasture on marshes.


Buy a season ticket for the Clark County fair for $1.00.  Good day and night, includes grand stand.  To sell 2,000 tickets will put 1933 Fair across.


Leroy Lautenbach, 7 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lautenbach, suffered a number of cuts about the face Sunday when he fell against some barbed wire.  Several stitches were necessary to close the wounds.


Marriage Licenses: Lyman Wolfe, Thorp, and Myra Killon, Chippewa Falls; Wm. Ammerman and Remone Newman, Loyal; John E. Bertz, Loyal and Cecelia Agnes Schmitz, Eaton; Ralph Ure, Fremont, and Lucille Alfter, Cameron; Ignatz Sauter and Estelle Werner, Dorchester.


Frenchies Tavern announces Free Boston Fried Chicken Every Saturday Night.  Refreshments 8:30 p.m. ‘till?  Trap shooting every Thursday afternoon.  (Frenchies Tavern is believed to have been near the curve on Hwy.95, ½ mile east of the Black River or does anyone have any additional information about Frenchies?)


“Nothing in fine print is ever good news.” –Andy Rooney




“We experience moments absolutely free from worry.  These brief respites are called panic.” – Cullen Hightower


Victor C. Woelffer


Woelffer came to Neillsville in 1901, purchasing a drug store where he worked as a pharmacist for many years.  He added a soda fountain, featuring home-made ice cream and home-made ice cream cones, as well as juice drinks, etc.  The drug store was located at 508 Hewett.


 Henry H. Hartson


A journalist, he purchased the Greenwood Gleaner in 1891.  He also worked at lumbering, in the hardware business and served as postmaster.  For a time in 1916 he managed the Greenwood Roller Mills and became part owner.


The year was 1893, and the season was grain threshing time in Clark County.

August Roder had invested in a steam engine and threshing machine, enabling him to thresh his grain crop as well as the neighbors who lived along Pleasant Ridge.  August Roder’s farm was on the south side of now Hwy 10, the farmland bordering on Fairground Ave.  The brick house is the only original building that remains on the site.  Marion Wren assisted Roder by operating and maintaining the steam engine for five seasons.  August Roder’s father, Paul Roder, had a farm one mile south of Granton, near the Hwy 10 and Cty. Tr. “K” intersection.


Owning a “threshing rig” during the 1890’s was quite an accomplishment which set the stage for a photograph.  Everyone dressed up in their “Sunday best” and posed for the photographer.  Left to right: Marion Wren and August Roder are standing on the steam engine; Paul Roder and Domnic Kline are standing on top of the separator.  (Photo courtesy of Gordon Vine, a grandson of August Roder)



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