Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI October 14, 1998, Page 24 Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles |
The Good Old Days
Compiled by Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News
October 1878
Logging prospects for this coming winter will depend upon the snowfall in the area. It is too early in the season to make any estimates as to whatever the winter’s cut will be along the Black River.
A prominent local lumberman thinks that there are now about forty million feet of logs on skids that could not be hauled from the woods last winter due to the scarcity of snow. These logs, of course, will be put into the Black River as soon as the ground is covered with an ample amount of snow. If all those logs can be sent down the river to La Crosse, not many additional logs will need to be cut.
An annual reunion of the Sherman Guards was held this past Wednesday. On Tuesday it rained incessantly, but that didn’t discourage the plans as the Guards moved to the county fairgrounds, according to the program. They took up their quarters during the night in true military style, using the large exhibition building as barracks. It is said there was more romping than sleeping, but they all rolled out promptly for reveille. Everything was ready for the visitors who began arriving early in the day. The morning brought beautiful weather, but it was very muddy and disagreeable under foot. However, the grounds were crowded with people by noon. A beef was to be barbecued whole, starting the night before, but the rains changed the plans. The beef was quartered and roasted outdoors in the forenoon.
Among the dinner guests at noon, were the County Board of Supervisors, in a body, and Quartermaster General Bryant, of Madison.
Immediately following dinner, Gen. Bryant conducted an inspection of Sherman Guards. An assembly gathered at the courthouse where Gen. Bryant delivered an address. The Guards then marched to an open field west of town where they spent an hour in skirmish. The activities ended with a dance at the O’Neill House.
Lightning struck the Greenwood Cheese Factory last Thursday night, which demolished the factory’s chimney.
Ed Eaton is moving his store building at Longwood, a mile north to Colby corners. The building, a large two-story structure, is being moved by High Hart. Hart promises not to disturb a thing in the store. Eaton’s barn and warehouse will also be moved.
Joseph Ingles & Son are putting up a new flouring mill at Nasonville, on the site of the Mitchell mill which burned some time ago.
The Hembrock (Hemlock?) Island Dam was used for the first time for flooding purpose last Saturday, and proved a grand success. It raised the river there at four and a half feet and set the logs running livelier than anything seen before in the logging business. The first logs made their appearance here at about 2:30 p.m. and before dark it is estimated over twenty million feet has passed here.
The bridge over Black River on the Humbird Road was torn down on Wednesday morning to make way for a new iron and wood structure to be erected by the King Bridge Company. As the river is too high to permit safe fording, travel has been suspended on that part of the road. The new bridge will be ready for use by Monday night.
A car load of choice, hand-picked winter apples just arrived at James O’Neill’s, for sale at $3 per barrel.
Buy your crockery, glassware, etc. at Jaseph & Pond’s. See their new stock which has just arrived. Our groceries are the best in market. Neillsville and Hixton mills’ flour is always on hand. Buckwheat flour and other provisions are always on hand.
County Surveyor Bussell laid out the new road on this side of Black River from Arch Day’s to the site selected for the new bridge, this side of Arnold’s. After leaving the old bridge site, the road, as laid out, will follow the bank of the river for about a mile and a half. It will then make a straight cut across the big bend made by the river and meet the stream again about a mile below the mouth of Wedge’s Creek, near the site of the new bridge. Bussell thinks the new road will be about three-quarters of a mile shorter than the old road. The Town of Levis has begun work on the road intending to get it turnpiked and completed before freeze up, unless winter hits early.
October 1918
Military rites were held for Private Chas. Kaufman at Loyal on Thursday. Kaufman died of Spanish influenza when stationed at Philadelphia.
After training at the Great Lakes Station, Kaufman was transferred to the battleship Missouri where he became sick, living only five days. He was 24 years old, the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Kaufman.
Jos. Sneberg, who owned the former Staffordville farm on Neillsville’s north side, died of influenza. Sneberg was well known in this area as he had operated cheese factories in different localities in the county.
The following list of men were called to the Jackson Barracks, Louisiana, and left on the train at 5:05 p.m. on Oct. 21.
Percy Hallock, Chili; Glen Kading, Dorchester; Glenn R. Johnson, Granton; Wm. Rodman, Neillsville; Bernard J. Haas, Neillsville; Arthur E. Russell, Mpls; Edward H. Marg, Granton; Glen C. Castner, Loyal; Ted C. Schlinker, Neillsville; Morton A. Clark, Granton; Gustav A. Smith, Neillsville; Sidney R. Prescher, Humbird; Raymond J. Nickel, Granton; Wm. J. Rondorf, Neillsville; Frank Hartung, Neillsville; Kenneth A. Grobe, Granton; Cleotus A. Neis, Mondovi; Paul T. Nitsche, Granton; Signey Free, Neillsville; Herbert E. Garbush, Neillsville; and Martin Krause, Granton, left for Vancouver Barracks, Wash.
The forest Fires of Northern Minnesota have been disastrous. The investigator’s report reveals 21 towns were destroyed; 2,000 to 4,000 square miles of country have been laid waste; 1,000 people have died; 3.000 rendered homeless and 7,000 refugees are now in Superior, Wis. Those wishing to donate clothing or money may do so by sending it to the Council of Defense; Wm. A. Campman, Chairman.
A preliminary examination was held last week at Owen, before Court Commissioner, R. F. Kountz, in regard to the Krueger case. Mrs. Krueger and her son, Frank, were bound over to stand trial at Circuit Court on a charge of murder and committed to jail without bail until time of trial.
October 1933
John P. Kintzele for many years prominent in the affairs of his community and Clark County died after a long illness at his old home “Romadka Homestead” in the Town of York, Oct. 3.
Kintzele was born in Milwaukee on Jan. 21, 1860. He grew to manhood there, receiving his education at the public and parochial schools and graduated from Mayers Commercial Business College.
For a couple years, he was a stenographer in the office of Ludwig and Somers, attorneys where he gained knowledge of law.
Later, Kintzele became an accountant for the Northern Manufacturing Co., at Seymour, Wis. The firm was reorganized into the Romadka Manufacturing Co., with a large plant at the hamlet knows as Romadka in 1883. After leaving the employ of the Romadka Company, Kintzele established relations with various concerns such as manager of large logging industries as well as sales of timber and wild lands. Later, he went into business for himself, buying and shipping out thousands of cords of wood and selling land on the old branch of the Milwaukee railroad which had its terminus near Romadka.
In the Romadka area, Kintzele purchased a tract of land, which he cleared for a farm. He built a beautiful home in which he took great pride, planted several trees and beautified the premises.
Kintzele was town clerk, clerk of the school district and served on the Clark County Board of Supervisors. He later became the Clark County Register of Deeds, being elected in 1916 and serving in that capacity for 12 years. He was treasurer of the Lynn Mutual Insurance Co., the Clark County Agricultural Society, was a director of several banks, and other organizations. During that time, he operated an extensive abstract business.
Kintzele was married to Miss Effie Allen, on July 27, 1887, Town of York. Miss Allen had been a country school teacher. They had four children; Frances, who died as a child; Vernon, who lived at the old home; Mildred, Mrs. Wendell Crothers, at home and Harland A., at Neillsville.
The funeral service was held at the little church near the Windfall Cemetery.
Two Clark County cheese factories received first placing in the statewide contest for grounds beautification. The factories honored are the Greenwood Dairy operated by T. W. Meck (Mech?) and the Willard factory run by Emil F. Mech.
John Wuethrich and sons, John D. and Allen, who conduct the Wuethrich creamery at Greenwood, have had a phenomenal growth in their butter making business.
At present their creamery is working day and night, producing more than 3,600 pounds of butter daily, marketing an area bounded on the north by Medford, on the south by Neillsville, west by Eau Claire and on the east by Wausau. Low cheese prices have forced 16 area cheese factories to discontinue making cheese, finding it more profitable to sell their cream to a creamery than make it into cheese.
It is estimated by Wuethrich that his plant is now taking the output of 640 patrons. The Wuethrich creamery is a modest looking building of rather unpretentious size and it is only due to skillful organization and management that it is able to take care of its immense present production.
Mr. Arthur Tews and Miss Helen Eggiman were quietly married at Waukegan, Ill., Sept. 25. They were accompanied by the groom’s sister, Miss Velda Tews. Presently, they are making their home at the Eggiman farm. A great circle of friends and the Press join in offering their congratulations.
The Otto A. Haugen post of the American Legion, Neillsville, has announced a dance for Armistice night at Keller’s Silver Dome Ballroom to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of the signing of the Armistice. The dance was made possible through the courtesy of the Keller Bros.
Several merchants have complained lately that Neillsville’s business streets are not lighted brilliantly enough at night. Last spring the council voted to cut out every other white-way light upon recommendation of the tax economy league.
There is dancing every Sunday night at Seltrecht’s new barn located seven miles south of Lynn or one mile south of McCann’s filling station on 73.
A new golf course for Neillsville was started this week by F. J. Baer, who last week acquired 60 acres of the Henry Markwardt farm just east of the city. A crew started immediately to lay out the course and get it into condition for opening next year. The property is well adapted to a golf course and should make a fine addition to the community.
On Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 10, several relatives gathered at the home of Grandmother Grap in Globe to help her celebrate her 94th birthday. Many gifts and food items were brought to her home in celebration of the event. Mrs. Herman Hagedorn decorated the birthday cake which was admired by many guests.
This week, every highway into Neillsville was blocked by determined picketers of the milk strikers. Neillsville has been cut off from the outside world. Similar situations exist in other parts of the state.
Milk plants in this city and elsewhere remained idle as the flow of milk was effectively cut off. Other food products have also been kept out of town.
(In the late 1800s, Jack Light, photo)
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In the late 1800s, Jack Light was photographed as he unloaded sacks of malt at the Neillsville Brewery, on East 6th Street. Two boys, Rudolf and Gerhardt Schroeder, who lived in the neighborhood, stopped to watch Light as he worked. The season had to have been summer as the boys were barefoot, a “warm weather fad” of that era. (Photo courtesy of the Clark County Historical Jail Museum)
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