Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI July 1, 1998, Page 24 Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles |
Good Old Days
By Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News
July 1868
There will be an Independence Ball given at the Lumbermen’s Hotel on the evening of July 4th. Dancing will begin at 3 p.m.
The people of school district number two, in this town, are proud of their new school house. Orson Cornwell built the structure and Miss Mary Wood started teaching classes there last Monday.
Henry Staring has opened a new barber shop one door west of the Union House. “Hank” is prepared to do everything in the tonsorial line on reasonable terms. He will work in a most satisfactory manner and being a good fellow deserves patronage.
The very fine mare owned by John Walters died Saturday. She was a valuable animal so her death is a serious loss.
Program for the celebration of July 4th at Neillsville: National Salute at Sunrise, Citizens in Carriages, Citizens on foot. Order of Exercises: Opening Address by B. F. French, Pres. Of the day; Prayer by Rev. Harvey Palmer: Reading of the Declaration of Independence by Geo. W. King; Oration by Hon. C. C. Pope, of Black River Falls; Song-Star Spangled Banner – by Neillsville Glee Club.
At the close of the dance and just as the sun was rising above the eastern horizon in all its brightness, announcing a clear and beautiful day, the National flag was raised to the top of the liberty pole. The National flag floated majestically in the breeze from the liberty pole in the public square, while a 38 gun salute aroused the slumbering Neillsville dwellers and announced the advent of our great National holiday. The people of Staffordville, one mile north of Neillsville, were also alerted by the booming guns, distinctively heard there. We would like to add an explanation, our guns were anvils. (An anvil is a square iron block which was used in blacksmithing. When the anvil was struck by an iron sledge hammer, it made a loud noise. D.Z.)
The festivities’ grounds were situated west of the Jas. Furlong residence. A stand had been erected for the speaker the day before, with seats arranged in front of the stand. The stand and bleachers had been put up very poorly as many of them broke down. Reading of the Declaration of Independence was listened to intently as Geo. W. King read in a loud, clear and distinctive voice. The document so eloquently sets forth the grievances endured by our forefathers while under despotic rule.
Hon. Carl C. Pope’s oration was eloquent, perfect and suitable for such an occasion. Every eye was riveted upon the speaker with intense interest.
After the delivery of the oration, the procession again formed and the crowd started moving toward the Lumbermen’s Hotel at Staffordville. L. R. Stafford served an excellent dinner. The tables fairly groaned under the weight of the food, prepared in excellent taste and great quantities. Andrew Rogers of the Union House also provided an excellent dinner of which many partook later.
The dance held at Staffordville started at three p.m. so that it would finish before the Sabbath observance the next day. The warm weather seemed to have no deterrence upon the party. As soon as the musical notes of the violin began, the tripping footsteps of a happy throng of eager dancers started and continued to the end.
The fireworks display was held on the courthouse hill. There seemed to be no one in complete charge of handling the fire-works. Many people took over and fired at random whatever fire crackers they could get hold of. Those impatient to satisfy their curiosity came very near paying dearly for their carelessness and inexperience.
There is an excellent crop of wild raspberries this summer. The woods are filled with people picking berries every day. The postmaster was out this morning and was caught in the rain.
The hall at Staffordville is being fitted up for the best ballroom in two counties. It is 24’ x 82’, well ventilated, and has a ladies’ dressing room as well as a gentlemen’s coat room. When finished, the hall will be dedicated by a grand ball.
There is more news about the great quantity of bear in the northern part of the county. They are frequently seen around John Bigger’s camp on the Popple River. The boys have a hog in camp which weighs about 600 pounds, with large tusks protruding from his mouth. He is too much for a Bruin, as he ahs already proved by numerous encounters.
Our German friend, Levis Sontag, has recently opened a sort of eating saloon for farmers. Hardly any German would consider it complete without lager beer, so the enterprising proprietor always keeps a supply of that Tectonic beverage on hand. Three or four tables are set-up in the room. There is the temptation, by some who enter, to indulge in a game of cards which is very inviting. But, “Lew” is determined to keep an orderly house and has notices posted conspicuously on the wall, which we have taken the liberty to copy – “NO Cart Blaying Hear.”
July 1898
The Richardson’s, Redmond’s, Holmes’ and Normans of Loyal camped out a few days last week at the big, high rock on Black River.
The dirt taken from Dangers Store cellar is being hauled up to the courthouse yard where it will be spread to grade up the lot.
A storm visited Granton Tuesday and did several hundred dollars damage. The Woodmen Hall was moved several inches and received damages to the extent of $200. Part of the tin roof on Knorr’s warehouse was blown off and several chimneys leveled.
Mrs. Jas. Cummings, formerly Mamie LaFlesh, is visiting relatives in this vicinity. She came here from Nova Scotia.
The deed for the big furniture factory here was signed on July 14th, transferring it to Kerr Bros. and Co. They have made satisfactory arrangements as to railroad rates, etc., and will soon have the factory in perfect running condition.
A wind-storm, accompanied by rain, struck our city on Tuesday morning. Shade trees were blown down and fences scattered about the areas on the south side. The roof of Trogner’s Mill was partially stripped of iron and lumber flew in all directions. The cross pieces on the electric light poles on Clay Street were wrenched off, the wires falling to the ground. Clay Street residents will have to use kerosene lamps for lighting until the electric line is repaired. The wood awning on Dr. Esch’s office building was torn loose and flopped around, breaking a couple of lights out of the glass front in Jones’ store. Gus’ peanut roaster started down the pike on a pleasure trip and ran into an electric pole. It tumbled off the walk and landed bottom up in the gutter. The smokestack on the grist mill was blown down, as was also the one in the brewery. A portion of the brewery roof was also blown off. The roofing on Taplin’s foundry was ripped off and deposited in sections all over Leason’s yard. Leason’s Shop lost a couple chimneys. Grand Avenue north was severely hit. Barns and outbuildings were twisted and move from their foundations. A stained glass window in the Catholic Church steeple was blown in. Nearly every other house on the North side is minus its chimney due to the wind.
Out at the fairgrounds, the buildings, grand stand, judge’s stand and bandstand are badly wrecked. All of the brick was blown off the front of the church on Pleasant Ridge. Only one windmill was left standing along Ridge Road.
Injury to livestock and crops is considerable. All small grains are laid flat and corn is knocked down. This storm is the worst to have hit this area in years.
July 1948
The Rev. Virgil Multon (Nulton) will be the new pastor of the Neillsville Methodist Church. This past year he served the Independence and Whitehall churches. He succeeds Rev. Floyd Fahlgren who has moved to Ladysmith.
The Neillsville City Athletics ball team was saved in their baseball game at Stetsonville Sunday with one big inning.
The big inning came in the ninth turning with a 6 to 3 rout into a 7 to 6 victory for the Athletics. “Banging Bob” Urban clouted a three-base hit, scoring two men who got on before him.
Gene Christie, pinch-hitting for Bud Bremer, dropped an infield dribble near the pitcher, and Banging Bob scored on a disputed play.
Fahrenbach, Stetsonville reliefer (reliever), made the play of Christie’s hit at home. But, the catcher bobbled the ball on the baseline. Urban hurled him to score the tying run.
Stetsonville disputed, claiming Urban failed to touch home plate but Swede Moberg declared the runner’s heel had touched a corner of the plate in the hurdle.
While the argument raged and the pitcher joined the cluster around home plate while holding the ball, Christie sauntered down to second. Stetsonville recovered its lookout long enough to prevent Christie from pilfering third, also.
Then Milton Schoenfeldt, A’s third sacker, clipped a hit which brought Christie home with the winning run.
Stetsonville started the scoring in the first when Mildebrand got hit by a pitched ball and took a free trip to first. Three consecutive passed balls charged against Harold Milbreit brought Mildebrand home with the first tally.
Neillsville took the lead in the sixth when Schoenfeldt, Earl Magnuson and Joe (Fuzz) Urban worked walks and were brought in by Frankie Zank’s long double.
Zank, who had held Stetsonville to two hits in the first six innings, retired from the mound in favor of a sore arm. Harvey Mott relieved him and set the Stetsonville club take down swinging one, two, three.
Mott ran into trouble, in the eighth and Stetsonville pushed over five tallies. Fahrenbach, first-up, clouted a mighty homer. From there on four runs were scored on a series of errors. In spite of the one unnerving inning, Mott allowed only two hits in the three frames he worked.
Frankie Zank was credited with the win; Fahrenbach with the loss. The official scorer credited Neillsville with two earned runs; Stetsonville with one.
On June 26 at 2 p.m. Miss Amber Ramona Marg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. Marg of Granton, became the bride of Harvey O. Pischer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Pischer, also of Granton. Zion Lutheran Church, Granton, decorated with roses, peonies, forget-me-nots, orange blossoms, larkspur and sweet Williams, was the scene of the wedding. There were 125 guests who gathered to watch Miss Marg and Mr. Pischer repeat their marriage vows in the double ring ceremony. Rev. William A. Lauterbach officiated.
The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, entered the church gowned in white satin with beaded front yoke and floor length train. Her long veil was caught to an orange blossom crown. Her sister, Mrs. Alene Lautenbach, was matron of honor. Dorothy Pischer of Douglas, Ariz., Lavon Garbisch of Granton and Leona Tucker of Superior, were bridesmaids.
LeRoy Pischer of Douglas, Ariz., served as his brother’s best man. Ralph Lautenbach, Duane Marg and Joseph Tucker were groomsmen. Donald Marg and Eugene Cattanach acted as ushers. Flower girls were Evelyn Garbisch and Anabelle Keuer. Miss Virginia Nickel was the soloist, offering the selection “Because.”
After a reception at the bride’s parents home the young couple left for a wedding trip to Milwaukee and other points. They will be at home in Granton, where the groom is employed at his parents’ farm, after July 1.
The Gottlieb Kuester home in Greenwood was the scene of an unusual reunion Sunday, July 4. After a separation of 34 years the six Kuester brothers found it possible to be together again. They were: Fred of Loyal, Christ from Keil, Gottlieb from Greenwood, William from Milwaukee, Henry of Sheboygan and Ferdinand of Neillsville.
A Neillsville 4th of July Parade on Hewett Street, circa 1885: D. Roberts’ Fruit and Confectionery Store was on the corner of 5th and Hewett Sts. Roberts’ business was purchased by Jesse Lowe in 1888. Later, the building was razed and the site became the lot for the First National Bank. (Photo courtesy of Clark County Jail Museum)
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