Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI March 19, 2003 Page 26 Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled by Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News |
March 1908
James Wedding, Neillsville new night watch and policeman entered upon his duties this week. He goes on duty at 7 p.m., policing the business section of the city until 11:30 p.m. He then goes on his rounds visiting the following stations, making the full circuit three times in the night. One, city hall; 2, Corner 4th Street and Grand Avenue; 3, Tragsdorf – Zimmerman and Co.’s Store; 4, Youman’s Residence Corner; 5, Court House; 6, Wisconsin House; 8, Merchants Hotel; 9, Train Depot; 10, North Side School House; 11, D. Tourigny’s Warehouse; 12, Merchant’s Hotel, going off duty at 7 a.m. Wedding carries a clock so that he can register the time he visits each station, as each station has a registry key for that purpose.
The City Council had made and passed the motion for James Wedding to become the night watchman and policeman, to receive compensation at the rate of $1.25 per night.
For several weeks past, a plan has been talked of among a number of farmers in this vicinity, together with businessmen of the city, to build some sort of a large barn with shed attachments. This would be a cooperative plan to secure shelter for all farm teams that come to the city and that are not now provided with shelter. The idea is to have a small fee charged, which will go to pay someone to look after the teams of horses and keep the place in order.
Under present conditions, there are many days when shelter cannot be found for half of the teams that come into the city. In the cold weather, it is harsh treatment to tie teams out and in summer it is not safe on account of automobiles running in the street.
A committee has already secured figures on a large block of the Conner Lumber yards property. Figures are also being obtained on other sites. Another committee has been appointed to draft plans for the proposed barn and sheds. A public meeting of all interested farmers and businessmen is called for on Saturday March 7 at 1:00 p.m. at the city hall.
When the plans are definitely reported, it is intended to ask the cooperation of the Advancement Association and City Council to help carry out the work. Prominent farmers in all directions from the city have offered to subscribe for stock and solicit for sale of stock to support the plan within their neighborhoods.
For some time past, John Simon had suspected that more liquor was going out of his saloon than what he was getting paid for. Simon was pretty well convinced that someone was violating the city ordinances by opening his saloon after 11 p.m. at night. So, he engaged Under Sheriff Robert Eunson to keep watch of the premises at night, providing him a cot to sleep on.
All was quiet until the early hours of Thursday morning when Eunson’s quick ear caught the sound of a key in the lock and a man entered the saloon carrying a little pail. The man went to where the saloon stock was stored and when Eunson arose from the cot, the slight noise alarmed the would-be customer and he was beating a hasty retreat when the wily official intercepted him. Eunson was astonished to discover that the man was Uncle Billy H., known by most around the city. Uncle Billy begged piteously to be released but Eunson told him that as an officer he was sworn to do his duty and must do it. The old man was taken to jail and locked up. The next forenoon, he was taken before Court Commissioner Kountz. He waived examination and was bound over to stand trial in Circuit Court. His bail was fixed at $200, which after some delay, was secured. Uncle Billy states that a burning thirst came upon him in the night, which only a certain brand of John Simons’ goods could satisfy so he was went (sent) to the saloon to get the goods.
Trogner’s mill now has the finest stock of logs received in years. Sereno Wren’s mill at Dells Dam is well stocked up and will soon be running. A big yard of logs is on the rollways at C. Turnow’s, near Hutchings Corners and another large landing is in Levis, near Fred Sears’, to be sawed by Lautenbach’s portable mill. South of Carlisle, another big stock of logs is on hand. Wallace’s saw and shingle mills, in east Washburn, has a big amount of stock. Northwest of the Mound, a fine lot of logs are on the rollways to be sawed by Moldenhauer’s portable mills. Nearly all of these logs have been hauled on the last run of sleighing, which has been worth thousands of dollars to this country.
It may be of interest to the public to know that the La Crosse Water Power Company intends to landscape the entire shoreline about the newly developed lake at Hatfield. The length of the water frontage, following the various indentations, bays and coves, measures over 20 miles. This area is all high shore, with many beautiful groves of pine and oak.
A fine continuous drive-way is planned around the lake, crossing the Black River at Hatfield and again below the Dells Dam. Brush and scrubby timber will be removed and the entire tract, comprising about 1,000 acres, which will be further beautified under the direction of a competent landscape artist.
Lots and acreage properties, with shore rights, will then be offered to the public at very reasonable prices, subject only to regulations regarding the care and preservation of the standing timber and park features.
A cooperative creamery has been organized at Christie with O. L. Robinson as president and Wm. Piske as secretary. The Lange creamery has been purchased and will be put into operation at once. A good list of stockholders has been secured and a regular organization made.
March 1958
The “go-ahead” signal, for construction on a four-class-room addition to the Loyal School, was given by district voters on Monday night.
They approved, 34 to 1, a resolution to permit the school board to borrow $100,000 for the construction for a term of 10 years at not to exceed 4 ½ percent interest.
They approved, unanimously, a companion resolution to levy a tax on all taxable property in the district to raise the money to repay the load and the interest.
A total of 37 ballots were cast in the voting. Two ballots on the construction question were blank.
At an explanatory meeting in February, Principal Warner Berry indicated that a loan from a bank or some other private source probably would be a temporary thing until such time as money from state sources might be made available at a lower rate of interest.
In addition to the four classrooms, the construction would include provision for toilet and storage rooms.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Volstad and three daughters, Cindy, Tammy and Bobbie, of Granite Falls, Minnesota, have moved to Neillsville. They are now located on Hill street, east of the Floyd Short residence. Volstad is an engineer and is in charge of the construction and installation of the new telephone dial system.
The Eagles basketball team, made up of Neillsville fifth and sixth grade boys is the winner of the round-robin basketball tournament. Those team members are: David Thornton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thornton; Wayne Brown, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne (Buster) Brown; Jerry Horswill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Horswill; Bobby Krultz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Krultz, Jr.; Mike Strebing, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Strebing and Stan Galstad, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Galstad.
An addition to the Neillsville Country Club clubhouse, costing an estimated $2,500, will be started this spring as soon as concrete work is feasible.
This was decided Tuesday night by the directors, who went over cost estimates for enlargement of the club and locker facilities.
The addition will be a 24 by 37-foot extension of the basement to the north. It will provide for relocation of the basement clubrooms to give a sweeping view of the golf course to the north and east.
Because of its “pay-as-you-go” policy, this is about all that is planned for this year. However, the long-range proposal is to turn much of the present clubroom area into locker rooms with a doorway opening on the east to give direct access from the No.1 tee and No. 9 green.
The club will make an effort to pay for the entire construction projected for this year from proceeds of the year’s operation. To do this, an effort will be made to redouble solicitation of memberships, which are probably the lowest of any golf course in Wisconsin and certainly one of the lowest annual fees paid in the nation. Neillsville adults pay $10 per year for an adult membership.
Roscoe Sears reports that he sold his 360-acre farm in the Town of Levis last week. The new owner is Edward Stelloh of Neillsville. Stelloh plans to operate the farm himself.
The Sears farm was owned by the family since 1901, when Roscoe’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sears, purchased the land and moved here from Green County.
Mr. Sears put up the present buildings soon after coming here in 1946; they gave up farming and returned to Southern Wisconsin, locating in Mazomanie. Mr. Sears died in 1951 and Mrs. Sears in November 1957.
The other Sears children, all of whom were raised on the farm, are: Verlyn, connected with the Neillsville Dairy Department, in Neillsville, and who now lives on and owns a large dairy farm near Mazomanie; Thomas (Hubert), who is in the telephone business in Denver, Colo. And a daughter, Lois who was a government nurse for several years in Ashville, N.C. All attended the Meadowview School and Neillsville High School.
Mr. Sears was a member of the Meadowview School Board for a number of years and was at one time a candidate for the State Assembly, representing Clark County.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Sears were active in church and community affairs during their long residence here in Clark County.
The 60th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Paulson was celebrated Saturday, in Neillsville. Married on March 23, 1898, at Greenwood, their honeymoon trip was a horse and buggy ride, after the wedding ceremony, from Greenwood to Granton.
On March 22, 1898, Ross Paulson, then 27, hitched his driving team to his newly-painted buggy and drove to the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Delos Raymond, a mile northwest of Christie.
The following morning, the groom-to-be lifted his bride-to-be, Maude Raymond, into the buggy and they proudly drove to Greenwood, where the Rev. Hull, a Methodist minister, performed the wedding in the Briden hotel.
After the wedding, the newlyweds returned to the Raymond farm for a wedding dinner and celebration. The following morning, the couple drove to Granton to set up housekeeping. The groom was then employed as manager of the Granton Creamery Company, a position he held for 14 years.
Ross Paulson was born in Denmark on October 10, 1870 and came to America when he was two. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Paulson and their family then located in Necedah. After two years, they moved to Nasonville, in Wood County where Ross attended school and grew to manhood. For several seasons, he worked with his father in logging camps.
After leaving the Granton Creamery, the Paulsons operated a farm near Granton for a time and then left to live in Eau Claire a few years. Returning to Clark County, they lived on the Paulson farm, widely known as the Youman farm, on Pleasant Ridge. For more than 25 years, they resided in Neillsville, spending the past 12 years at their present home on East Division Street. For 10 years, Paulson was actively engaged in road contracting.
Two sons and three daughters were born to them: Clifford, in Grant; Mrs. E. H. (Lilas) Voigt of Madison; Raymond of Neillsville; Mrs. Eugene (Ardeen) Hart of Milwaukee and Mrs. Norbert (Ruth) Berlick of Neillsville. They have eight grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
A large number of friends and relatives attended the open house held at the Paulson home.
Five teams from the Neillsville Women’s Bowling association took part in the state-bowling tournament held in Milwaukee on March 22 – 23.
The five teams included: Becker’s Bar, Hazel Wetzel, Captain, Grace Carl, Leona Wedekind, Maxine Stone, Elizabeth Wagner; Neillsville Recreation, Adie Schoenherr, captain, Buddy Langreck, Paula Mueller, Eva Christie and Grace Suckow; Arbutus Café, Flossie Carl, captain, Grace Malafa, Margie Bethke, Ruby Stone and Ardis Suckow; W.D.L.B. Radio, Dixie Steinbring, captain, Delores Meyer, Doris Eisentraut, Mildred Schraufnagel, Gerri Magnuson; Clark County Agency, Shirley Kessler, captain, Kathleen Turner, Mary Lou Meredith, Dorothy Steiger and Marilyn Meyer.
Team bowling took place on Saturday, singles and doubles on Sunday. Bowling was in the Olympic lanes and Capitol palladium. Mrs. Joe Urban accompanied them.
Ground was broken in Withee Sunday morning for a new Nazareth Lutheran Church building, which will cost an estimated $44,000, with its equipment. Construction is expected to start right after Easter.
The church building will be faced with attractive Tennessee limestone, and will have a large cross on the window of the main building. The one story structure, without basement, the church proper, will be 32 by 80 feet, with a narthex, or vestibule of 12 by 36 feet attached to the southeast portion of the main building.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lautenbach and family moved to Granton, onto the Eugene Thiede farm, which they have purchased.
Shortly after the turn of the century, 1900, the Hatfield dam was completed. Many men and horses labored in moving earth and timbers in developing the controlled waterway. (Photo courtesy of the Bill Roberts Family Collection)
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