Clark County Press, Neillsville, September 1, 2004, Page 16 Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon. Index of "Oldies" Articles
Compiled by Dee Zimmerman
Clark County News |
September 1874
The building formerly occupied by La Mouch, as a dwelling, has been moved between Lloyd and Marshalls hardware stores. It is being fitted into a harness shop for P. S. Dudley.
Campbell, Watson & Hummel have opened a wagon, carriage and blacksmith shop opposite the ONeill House barn. They are prepared to do everything in either branch of their business promptly and in the very best manner. The members of this firm are all good workmen and very reliable.
Last Wednesday morning, a hunting party started out from our village with the full determination of doing all in their power to exterminate that short-tailed animal, familiarly call (called) the bear. The gentlemen, who have gone to the wilderness with this laudable end in view, are Jos. Head, E. S. Crossett and R. J. Sawyer. They will be well supplied with ordinance and ammunition, and guarded through the perils of those unexplored wilds, the favorite haunts of the bruin, by Mr. Sawyers yeller pup, Joe.
The town board of Levis has done an excellent job on the roads between the Black River Bridge and Arnolds Creek. They have put them in excellent shape and replaced all the old shaky bridges by substantial new spans.
Last Wednesday night, a man from the country, whose name we did not learn, arrived in town. He rested his weary horned steeds, in the ONeill House barn. After seeing them, as he thought, securely fastened, he retried for the night. But in the morning, he found that one of these Quadrupeds was gone and up to this hour that ox is a wandering refugee, or a victim of misplaced confidence.
The boys at Hewett & Woods are giving the internal arrangements of the brick store a complete overhauling. The general appearance is being greatly improved by the changes made.
Mr. G. A. Lee has gone to New York to select a stock of goods for Hewett & Woods. In a short time, the Brick Store is to have the most complete stock of goods it has ever received. Mr. Lee is fully posted on the wants of their customers.
The important subject of tree planting in the West has received a valuable contribution from the experiments of the St. Paul and Pacific railroad in growing trees along its line. After leaving the Big Woods, the road runs a distance of 100 miles through a region that is treeless with the exception of an occasional limited grove. In the spring of 1873, the plan of cultivating trees along this line, as a protection from both wind and sun, was attempted and the results are most encouraging.
Farm and Household advice of 1874:
If every farmer and farmers son would plant one tree each and every year as the farmers wife and daughter would also cultivate half a dozen flowers each year, how much brighter the country would be.
In Connecticut, a worn-out field was 50 years ago planted in timber. The field has yielded ten cords of lumber per year and fencing for the farm for 20 years past. Also, last year when cleared produced 50 cords per acre.
According to a French veterinary surgeon, if the inside of the ears and other exposed parts of horses are painted with a few drops of the empyreumatic oil of juniper, flies will not annoy them as the odor is unendurable to the tormentors.
To cure sleeplessness, let the full meal come in the middle of the day. Two hours after it has been taken, walk three or four miles. Eat a light, easily digested supper and pass the succeeding hours until bedtime in a way agreeable, but not exciting. Avoid causes of worry and sleep in a fresh bed and a well-ventilated room.
For a paste for wallpaper, take a gallon of water and bring to a boil in a kettle. Stir up one quart of flour in cold water, strain through a sieve, so as to have no lumps init and slowly add to the boiling water, stirring as it is added. Then, add one teacup full of West India molasses. Let it boil up once and remove from the fire, stirring it up occasionally until cool. This makes a very adhesive paste and moisture in the room will not dampen through the paper.
September 1934
P. M. Warlum was awarded the plumbing contract last week on the new Globe CCC camp, which is being established northwest of Globe.
The Pacific Film Production Co. started photographing business places in Neillsville, this week. The movies will be shown at Adlers Theater sometime after Sept. 1.
The following marriage licenses were recently issued in Clark County:
William Kuehn, Jr., Neillsville and Ruby Hart, Pine Valley; Elmer J. Youmans, Owen and Irene Droheim, Withee; William Loke, Watkins, Minn. and Arwilda Trike, Loyal; Edward Lazotte, Neillsville and Hazel Peaslee, Eaton; Rueben Glenzer, Green Grove and Rose M. Zubin, Withee and Frank Schwanke, Loyal and Clara Piekola, Loyal.
The Neillsville Public School has set another all-time attendance record on Tuesday when tabulations revealed an enrollment of 621, a gain of 23 over last year.
The high school enrollment totals 310, including 20 students in the teacher training department, a gain of 11 over last year when 299 were registered. Inasmuch as 21 high school students, who were enrolled last year, did not appear at the opening of school Tuesday, it is reported that the total enrollment will exceed 310. D. E. Peters, superintendent, predicted that between 10 and 15 of these students will return to school this year.
The assembly room is jammed to capacity and the overflow, if any, will have to be assigned extra seats in one of the classrooms. The crowded conditions will be considerably relieved this year due to the fact that the girls washroom has been made into a classroom. A new washroom has been built in the ground floor hall. In the past, one high school teacher has had to hold classes in any room found open. The classroom will do away with shifting and also makes it possible to accommodate a larger enrollment in high school.
Little Wilmette Russell received a bad cut across the forehead, last Thursday, while playing in the M. Lastofka barn. She fell from the hay loft to the barn floor, striking her forehead on the steel rim of a feed barrel. It required nine stitches to close the wound, but Wilmette is getting along nicely as she was able to go to school Tuesday morning.
O. W. Lewerenz, who is on the Conservation Committee of the Clark County Board, spoke at Kiwanis club Monday noon, on the work now going on in the drainage district, west of Neillsville. He stated that 2.100 forties of county land and other lands are in the forestry reserve.
Dams are now under construction or will soon be started at certain locations to control the waters in the ditches so as to raise the water levels, create ponds in certain places and give fire protection to the entire area. Some 25 dams will be built.
This work is all being done by relief labor, the only local expense being supervision and equipment.
One lake is projected that will cover four sections. The Conservation Commission has promised to secure wild rice seed to sow in the ponds to furnish feed for wild ducks.
Hereafter, when you catch one of the tigers of the north you will catch a muskellunge, spelling approved by the Wisconsin Conservation Department. The department has adopted this as the Wisconsin official spelling after all the confusion caused by nine spellings in more or less common use.
Other spellings of this same work are Maskalunge, maskilonge, muskelonge, muskellunge, maskinonge, mascalunge, mascononge and maskanong. All of these are Anglicized versions of the Chippewa or Ojibwa word, which sounds most like mashkinonje. The department adds that if fishermen who have trouble with spelling want to be on the safe side they should say muskie but to be sure to say it with an ie rather than a y.
O. W. Lewerenz is remodeling his garage and installing new equipment, which will be of interest to motorists. Electrical and fuel checkup devices have been purchased and will afford automobile owners with the latest service in this line. William Whaley, of Spring Valley, will be in charge of the work.
The steam pipe running under the ONeill Creek Bridge, by which the old electric steam plant was supplied by power from the American Stores Dairy Co. boilers, was dismantled Thursday by a condensary crew. For a time, after the Northern States Power Co. took over the electric service here, the old steam plant was kept as an auxiliary unit. When the high line was out of commission, the steam plant was operated by steam from the condensary. The steam plant was torn down some years ago.
Clark County farmers, this week, began to reap the benefits of the Corn-Hog Program when Vern H. Howard, president of the association, started distributing the first installment, amounting to $24,000 among the 747 farmers who entered into the agreement. This amount represents 40 percent of the total to be divided among those who signed. Mr. Howard states the checks range from $220.85 to $10.
Clark County Agent, W. C. Landry and secretary of the Corn-Hog Association, Tuesday received notice that farmers will be asked to decide before Oct. 7 whether they want the program continued next year. A referendum is recommended for obtaining the sentiment of the farmers.
Mr. Landry and Mr. Howard are scheduled to meet at Merrill, this week, to discuss and set up for taking the poll. Merchants throughout the county report they are feeling the effects of the distributing of the money and state that framers are either buying goods for cash or paying up old indebtedness.
Three tavern keepers, of Neillsville, were put on the carpet by the city council Tuesday night. They were told that they will have to mend their ways or lose their licenses. Mayor Stelloh informed the operators that complaints had been received about them and that the council was forced to act. The men promised the council they would be more careful to maintain order in their places of business.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wilding, of Hawthorne, California, were the guests of honor at a reception held in the Grant Town Hall Thursday, Sept. 20th. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wilding were born and spent a greater part of their lives in the Town of Grant, so they still have a host of friends in this community. A great deal of credit goes to the ladies who served a bountiful dinner at noon to the 120 guests assembled. There were chicken pies, cakes, plum puddings, more pies and other foods.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Buss, two of the oldest settlers in the Town of Grant, led the march to the dining room, followed by the Wilding and Kurth families, other relatives and friends.
In order that Mr. and Mrs. Wilding might be able to long remember this gathering, Mr. Thayer took a photograph of the guests.
In the afternoon, a short program was given, consisting of community singing led by Harold Huckstead and short talks by M. E. Wilding, George Vine, Mrs. George Vine, Hattie Huckstead and Mrs. James Hughes. George Wilding very ably responded by telling how deeply he and his wife appreciated all the efforts put forth in their behalf.
Pleasant Ridge has long been noted for its community spirit and the people surely did themselves proud in this friendly gathering.
William Kuehn, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Kuehn, of Neillsville and Miss Ruby Hart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hart of Pine Valley, were married at the Methodist parsonage, Sept. 5. Rev. P. B. White officiated the ceremony. The groom has a position as milk hauler on a route for the Neillsville Condensery. The bride has always lived at home.
The young couple is making their home with the grooms parents.
A large crew of the United States Geodetic Survey has been in this vicinity for the past 10 days establishing points of latitude and longitude, determining elevations. The crewmembers are camping at the fairgrounds, having erected towers at the fairgrounds, the mound northwest of the city and on a mound west of the city.
Many persons have seen lights blinking from these towers at night, and have been wondering what is taking place. It is said the most accurate measurements are made at night. The instruments used in this work are extremely delicate and are so accurate that an error of not more than five feet in 100 miles occurs. The Geodetic survey was started by the government in 1870 and has been continued since that time.
Shopping around the area specials this week:
May & Ruchaber, in Neillsville, specials are:
Boston Brand Coffee, 3 lbs. 55c; Brown Sugar or Powdered Sugar, 3 lbs. for 19c; Brooms with 4 strands of sewing, 39c; Corn Flakes, 13 oz. pkg. or Puffed Wheat, 3 ½ oz. pkg. only 9c.
Now is a good time to replace your Gray Enamelware at a low cost at Albert Degener Hardware.
Wash Basins, 3 sizes, 10c, 15c or 20c; 4-quart kettles, each 25c; 6-quart kettles, each 35c; Tea Kettles, each 50c and Water Pails, each 48c.
September Clearance Sale at Lakosky Implement Store in Loyal includes:
14 good Farm Horses; 3 Used Corn Binders; 4 Used Silage Cutters; 12 Good used Farm Tractors; 8 Used Tractors and Sulky Plows.
In the early 1900s, Neillsville Public School was located in the 400 block, between the citys State and Court Streets. During a span of nearly 50 years, it served as a learning center for elementary grades, high school classes and for a time, a teachers training class. (Photo courtesy of Charlotte Drescher)
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